❤Chapter 2❤

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Andy's POV
I woke up early then got to shower and took my gray hoodie with my black pants then went outside the convenience store with chucky.. Until Omar went near me then tried to steal chucky and break him..

"Hey! Thats mine!" I yelled

"Aww, this chucky is dead after!" Omar said then laughed in evil way

Omar was playing with chucky until a girl yelled

"Hey! Give it back to him!" The girl yelled

"Wait? Juli? Stepdaughter of Mr.Jeremy?" Omar asked in shocked

"Why yes thats me" The girl said

"YOUR gonna defend this stupid guy?" Omar laughed

"He's not stupid OK? How come you would know that he is stupid? Are you classmates with him" The girl said

"No, were not classmates" Omar said

"Then YOUR stupid, you didn't know" The girl said

Omar pushed the girl but the girl didn't mind because, the girl slapped him so hard (😂)

"Wanna fight? You think im just a sassy girl? Nope, i dont respect someone who doesn't even respect another man. Now, get the fuck away or else I'll tell dad to move you out of our apartment" The girl smirked

"SORRY! JUST DONT MOVE US OUT!" Omar said then ran away

Wow she was so cool, but o   m   g, she was the girl who tried to be friends with me, uch, why does this always happen

"Thanks for that:)" I smiled

"its ok, im just having anger issues everytime I see this kind of thingy" The girl smiled

"Im sorry for how i treated you yesterday.. I was just not comfortable about what your mom said" I said

"NO, im supposed to be sorry, look, i didn't mean it to let you hear about what mom said.. Its just that, she doesn't want me to have friends instead just go to school"She sighed

"The worlds turning around" I said jokingly

...she giggled...

...her laugh is cute...

...wait what the...


"Im Julianna btw, just call me Juli for short" Juli said

"Im Andy" I said

..We both smiled..

"So uhmm, its 6pm already and mom invited you to dinner am i right?" I asked

"Shit, yeah but there's this thing, mom wont let me.." Juli said

"Ehh, your mom's so strict" I laughed

"This is the problem of having the most strictest parents in the whole world" Juli said

"But it says that if your having strict parents they always care about you" I said

"Yeah i guess so"Juli said

"Well.. i think imma just go. Dad can handle mom actually 😂"Juli laughed


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