Story of paradox

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I don't fucking know. People in my circle of friends were writing Fan-Made Rider stories on here. I decide to follow suit. Paradox had a very different story. Shocker had taken over the world and Paradox was the last hope. So time travel and stuff. He would have ended up having Den-O and Decade travel with him. If you guys would like to see a story like that. Let me know and I'll create a new rider just for it! Anyways. I rewrote paradox. Originally it wasn't paradox any more. He didn't have Duke,The Demon Cards or anything. He was gonna be a rider called Kamen rider Hunter. And he used Giga memories. But yea. After lots of rewrites and some help from friends. Paradox came to be what he is today. Above I'm going to be posting the original I though of for paradox that I found online. Expect this to be updated randomly. This has been waffle and keeping on eating!

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