the 4th

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We where by the pool table and my water broke I got rushed to the hospital and it was close I had the baby at nine at night she weighed 7 pounds 7oz. She was so cute I disited to name her Jessica Marie Ortiz she is not come at all and Gemma got her a baby blanket and it was the sons reaper and it said Sons of anarchy redwood original MC . It was so cute and that was the first blanket she used.

Juice POV:

2 years later. Jessica is now two and does not use any other blanket and has chibs raped around her finger like if she wants ice cream chibs does not care what we say he just gives it to her no matter what except when she is in trouble then it is a no and she hates that but gets over it and when she is around chibs she does not let any of the croweaters come around grandpa chibs and when they does she tells them to get more cloths on and then they can talk to him and when one did she quistioned her for three hours and still said no.

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