The origin of John W..... I mean scarf

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10years ago.

Izuku not wanting to bear the pain let Ukuzi take over. Ukuzi laid down at the alley feeling cold. As he shivered a dog came by and tried comforting him by licking him however he was too cold so the dog went away and back with a red scarf. Ukuzi smiled at it and wore the scarf.

He patted it . This was the beginning of a new friendship.

2 seconds later.

A hero while fighting a villain misdirected his shot and killed the dog this the birth of John Wick .... Oh I mean Ukuzi


" Ukuzi , why do you do this . Why do you kill so many people !!" Izumi asked.

" You guys , killed my dog ! " Ukuzi shouted.

Izumi showed a blank expression.

" Wait what ?"

" And because it's kinda fun seeing people struggling in futility to kill me , it gives me joy " Ukuzi smiled.

" Fuck it " Izumi shouted as she approached him only to be decapitated and her head thrown to space.

" Bye !! " Ukuzi waved happily at the flying decapitated head.

" Oh now where was I ?" Ukuzi smiled as he looked at All Might and glared evily at him before removing a pencil.

Please stand back this torture is not appropriate for anyone for the matter All Might will now be taken to the mental hospital never to recover.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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