No More

69 3 1

//TW - Invasive/Suicidal Thoughts\\

He woke up to a warm body pressed against his own and was confused until he turned a little and recognized the hair. It was Frank, nude as the day he was born, snuggled up to Ray, half under the blanket and snoring restfully. Ray didn't have the thought of being embarrassed. He thought it was nice, Frank was exhausted from the two transformations in a row and he was sleeping well, clearly comfortable. It was calm. It was okay. He would have preferred Frank to have clothes on, but this was still okay.

He tried to sit up and was immediately rejected. Frank's arms tightened around him, weirdly strong, and held him down. It took time to weasel out of Frank's grip, but he succeeded, stretching and wincing. Everything was sore. Everything. He didn't want to know how Frank felt.

He went to the kitchen, grabbing a glass and filling it with water, returning to Frank and nudging his shoulder. "Frank, hey, Frank, wake up," he whispered, watching him twitch and move to sit up. His face was scrunched and his hair was a mess, and that wasn't counting the lack of clothes.

"Shh, shut," Frank muttered, waving his hand vaguely, "not time to wake up. Sleep. Sleep time."

Ray snickered quietly. Frank was really just a child.

"You're naked," he said, watching as Frank scrambled to yank the blanket over himself, "and I brought you water. I have to leave soon," he felt a little strange. He was being so normal, both of them were, even though last night Frank had been chewing a stick to bits and getting distracted by a squirrel, which he promptly snatched up and only let go when Ray reminded him that animals weren't toys.

"You do?" Frank took the water with a nod as a thank you, "you have somewhere to be?"

"Mhm, home," he sighed when he realized how boring it was. "I need a nap. Bad. and I have to practice for our set next week. Fun times." a frown tugged at his mouth as he remembered he actually had to work to make money so he could afford to live.

Frank huffed softly. "It's great not being able to tell anyone, isn't it," he shuffled over, grabbing the shirt from last night and pulling it on so he had some amount of coverage. His words reminded Ray about how Mikey knew. He pursed his lips.

"Why are you making that face? Am I that unattractive?" Frank mumbled. He was joking, of course, but Ray still apologized profusely, as he often did.

"I-it's just-" he bit his lip, "I... I sort of half told someone...?" he swallowed. Frank stared.

"Quit pulling my tail." he scoffed, "you might be new, but you're not stupid," he said, but his calm façade faded as Ray stared down, "Ray, are you literally insane?!"

"It's n-not like I tried to!" Ray's voice got high and defensive, "I was just at home! A-and I was just trying to get ready for the moon! It wasn't my fault Mikey decided to come over!"

"Mikey?!" Frank sputtered, "you told Mikey?!"

"I didn't tell him!" Ray put his hands out, as if that would help his point, "I didn't! He walked in on me! I wouldn't have told him anyway! I was trying to prevent that!!"

"You let him walk in on you?? Is it your first day on earth?!" Frank had leaned forward, "you should have told him you were busy! You should have said you were going out or something!"

"I was too busy restraining myself from taking the rest of my bottle of painkillers!" Ray said, and it felt bad that he was telling the truth. Frank was quiet for a second.

"You still should have taken precautions," he said, voice softer than before. Ray felt worse.

"I know, I just- I was- I don't know, I wasn't thinking about that, he's gonna tell someone- he will, won't he, he probably did- I'm dead, I'm dead-" Ray wasn't doing great. His words came quick and his face was red.

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