The unexpected

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Oh my goodness Y/N I wouldn't do that to you-Sofia
I wouldn't be to sure about that...-Y/N
We can't stay in her forever you know-Sofia

Y'all walk out and find a table where you are close to the players and have a perfect view of all of them.

Your eyes land on the perfect smile across the room....

SOFIA!!! It's him....he's here!!!!-Y/N
Who? Wait him... dans-Sofia
Yes now lower your voice please...-Y/N
Okay fine-Sofia

Right after dansby walks into the bar Ender walks in and Sofia freaks

Ahhhhh!!!!! Y/N he's here too!!!!-Sofia
Well he is best friends with dansby they must have rode together-Y/N
Yeah your probably right!-Sofia

The waiter comes by and asks what you would like....

SHOTS I WANT SHOTS... 12 shots please....
Coming right up for the pretty ladies!
Oh and it's on the house.. my treat!

Thank you that's so sweet!-Sofia
Oh he definitely is into you- Y/N
No...... really???-Sofia
Yes very much so-Y/N
Well we get free drinks!-Sofia
Sofia you know I start acting fun around 2 shots but 6 each like I won't be able to control myself -Y/N
It will be fine. Plus we are surrounded by base ball players I think that we will be safe.-Sofia
Yeah I guess your right!-Y/N
I always am!-Sofia

You both start laughing

3 minutes later the shots arrive at the table.

Here you are ladies 12 shots, 6 each... have fun!

We will!-Sofia
Yeah definitely-Y/N
Oh lighten up Y/N we are partying for gods sake have fun!-Sofia
Okayyyyy I will!!!-Y/N



Y'all both down a shot

Woah... haven't done that in a while!-Y/N
Yeah, but less talking more drinking-Sofia

Before you know it you have downed 6 shots and are now headed to to the dance floor with Sofia!

After about 20 minutes... your favourite slow song comes on but you have no one to dance with because Sofia latched on to a random guy and left already. You started dancing by your self but moments later you feel yourself grinding on someone and before you could stop and turn around and harsh grasp wraps around your hips and pulls you closer making your body's so close you could feel every part.

You heard a soothing southern accent in your ear that made you melt into the guy. Then you realized it was dansby. You thought to your self "am I seriously talking to dansby Swanson wait not just talking touching him????" You push his hands off your hips and turn around facing him.

Oh my your hot without even noticing you said it out loud and not just was thinking it.

Well thank you-Dansby
Did I seriously say that out loud... jeez I'm so stupid I'm sorry-Y/N
It's all good-Dansby

After 10 seconds of staring at each other a sexy slow song comes on (desire)

Come on let's go to the dance floor-dansby

I would never say no to dancing with dansby like oh my he's so hot

Whilst on the dance floor his hands wrap around your waist and pull you in so that your practically on him. But you didn't mind... your hands were around his neck and with every breath he exhaled you could smell the alcohol but you were drunk to so you didn't mind it.

Moments later you found yourself so deeply starting at each other when all of a sudden a pair of soft lips crashed into yours. Pulling you closer and closer to him. You realize that you are making out with dansby the dansby. You took advantage of the situation because you may never get this opportunity again. So you wrap your hands more tightly around him as he picks you up and walks out the door. You get into and Uber and still are kissing him. When leaving the car yiu though that you needed to pay but he already had been almost like he was planning on this to happen but you quickly still thinking about it as a pair of hands start tugging your dress up. You help as he is using his keys to open up the door. When you get into the apartment he's waists no time getting you to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom you finally un clip your lips with his as you get slammed onto the bed but not hard enough where it hurt. It just turned you on even more. He started taking off all of his clothes so you do the same. Y'all are both fully naked as you feel him on top of you. This has been a dream of yours for so long. Once over you your lips clipped together again moving in sink he started to move his kisses all over your neck leaving hickeys every where you felt has he made his was down to your thighs. You wanted his so badly but waited so that you had the full experience. He started teasing you be licking every where beside your pussy but you couldn't handle it anymore so you screamed out "I NEED YOU NOW" he took that as his confirmation that he could do it. He starts kissing us your body then reconnecting your lips together. He teased you a little by moving it around over your entrance before thrusting into you at a fast pace leaving you in a room full of moans and groans. Thrusting deeper every time. You were so close to releasing and you could tell he was too.

On the count of three we will release at the same time okay?-Dansby


You felt a warm liquid in you and made you feel so good.

(Yes, you are on both control)

Oh my that was so good-dansby
I agree-Y/N

Before you knew it you both fell asleep

The next morning you woke up barely remembering anything but smelled bacon and waffles coming from downstairs. You walked down stairs and heard a voice...

Well good morning beautiful-Dansby
Holy shit- wait is this a dream-Y/N
I hope not because last night was the best night of my life-Dansby
Wait- did we...was I....-Y/N
Yes we did, and yes you were we both were and no I did not take advantage- dansby
Oh my, wait where is my phone?-Y/N
On the table charging. By the way it's been blowing up all morning.-Dansby
You could have told me that sooner you know! - Y/N
Yeah I know but you just looked so sure sleeping-Dansby
Oh no...-Y/N
What? Is everything ok?-Dansby
No, I forgot about my friend and she doesn't know where I am.-Y/N
I can take you back to your house if that's ok-Dansby
That would be great!-Y/N
Ok well I'll take you after we eat because I am starving-dansby

On the way home

So..... what are you doing tonight?-Dansby
Hmmm nothing I don't think. Why do you ask?-Y/N
Well I have some tickets right behind the dugout for my game tonight if you want to come and there are two do you could bring that friend of yours!-dansby
Are you serious?-Y/N
That would be amazing, she's like in love with Ender it's so funny-Y/N
Yeah but she's not like you, you've already slept with the guy your I love with...-Dansby
How did you know I was in love with you? I was drunk!-Y/N
You kept on repeating that you were in love with me all night.
Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry-Y/N
It's ok, I loved it!-Dansby

When you arrived home Sofia was standing in the kitchen as you walked inside holding dansbys hand.

Holy shit y/n what is dansby doing here???-S
Long story-Y/N

I'll see you tonight Y/N?-D
Yes definitely!-Y/N

Once he left Sofia wanted to know everything that happened.....

You better tell me what happened-S

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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