Kitty got claws

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Type: Plasmid/Vigor

Usage: Melee and close range

Symbol: Claw marks

Manifestation:3 bone claws that come from between the knuckles of chosen hand(s). Leaves the hand bloody

Description: Kitty got claws, as the name suggests, is a Plasmid/Vigor that gives the user 3 bony claws that measure about 8 inches each. Said claws can cut through flesh with ease and are stronger than normal human bones. Common with most thugs in back alleys due to how they're built.

Recommended dosage: Take as a Plasmid in hands

Alternate versions
Kitty got claws 2: Instead of claws coming out of the knuckles, claws come out of finger on each finger

Kitty got claws 3: Similar to the original, this version gives claws from between the knuckles. However, it creates 2 one foot claws from 1st and 3rd gaps

Can be used with feet
Combos include Shock Jockey, Devil's kiss, Electro bolt, and Incinerate
Ver. 1 and 2 are recommended for those with strong arms

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