Taking the Spotlight

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I always loved to sing. Ever since I was little I used to get up on stage with my sister and we used to give performances for everyone for party. She wasn't very good and she knew that but it was getting me out of my shell that she loved. I never understood how she could always make every person smile in the room with a single laugh and grin. Everyone always asked me how were we related, it always hurt knowing they thought I was to ugly to be her sister. Until it happened.

We were at a Lissa's 16th birthday and I had decided to instead of giving her a present I would write and sing her a song. I got up on our makeshift stage and suddenly all eyes were on me.
"Umm" I cough.
"Happy Birthday Lissa, this is for you"
I sung my heart out on that stage, giving every thing I had. Lissa looked on proudly, her eyes gleaming with pride. As I finished she ran up on stage and flung her arms around me.
"Thank you" she whispers in my ear.
We walk off stage our hands intertwined and one of my uncles and his latest girlfriend walk up to me.
"That was a beautiful thing that you did for Alissa up there, Colette" my uncle says smiling at Lissa.
"And what a good job too! Hi I'm Marian Tole, I'm a record producer for Cartwright Records, and I think you're just the thing my company is looking for." She smiles.
"Oh my gosh, Col you have to do it!" Lissa exclaims jumping up and down holding onto my arm.
I look at her.
"Don't say no Colleen. This is a once in a lifetime chance, you'll probably never get another offer like this."
My mum walks over and talks to Marian.
"What are we talking about over hear girls?" Mum gleams at Lissa and Marian.
"Oh mum you won't believe! Colette's been offered a record deal!" Lissa blurts out. I shoot her a glare.
"Oh really? Well that is a very kind offer Marian, Colette would love to do that." Mum tells her. "Is there a contract or something I need to sign?"
"Mum isn't this my..."
"Be quiet Colette this is your dream."

I signed the contract. I quickly took to the spotlight. Gaining many fans in the first few weeks. My written single hitting number one in the charts in only a few short weeks. Suddenly everything had changed. I was the one everyone wanted, not Lissa. Everyone wanted my opinion and I never was asked what it felt like to be Alissa Harrington's sister. Everyone was asking her how it felt to be related to a pop star.

I was on top of the world. Then suddenly everything changed.

I was about to walk on stage to preform when I got the phone call. I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller I.D. It was dad. He hadn't talked to me since I signed the contract. I quickly picked up the phone.
"Daddy?" I whispered.
The only reply I got a short sniff and clearing of his throat.
"Hello Colette, there's been a problem you see." Another cough another sniff.
"What sort of problem?"
"Well, it's Alissa. She's. She's. She's collapsed. We took her to the hospital. We thought she just had a cold. It's not a cold. It's not a cold." He breaks off crying.
My face turned white. The room started to spin. I collapsed on the plush red chair beside me.
"What is it then dad?" I asked dreading the answer.
"They think she has leukaemia."
I started sobbing. Why would it happen to beautiful sweet Lissa? What had she done to anybody?
"What hospital is she in?"
"King Harvard's"
"I'm on my way now." I grab my purse and start to walk out.
"Where do you think you're going Colette?" Mum said blocking my way
"Lissa she's sick I have to go to her."
"Too bad, you have to do the concert you know."
"How can you be so heartless she's your daughter!"
"Well your my priority now. If you keep this up I will be famous as well." I had never noticed the cruel glint in her eye. Her haunting want for fame.
"You need help" I yell at her as I run down the hall, kicking off my heels and grabbing my converse off the floor. I burst out the door. A crowd of adoring fans yelling my name. I run to the curb fighting off the fans and jump into the limo. I pant out the address and the limo starts moving.

As I arrive at the hospital I immediately jump out and run into the hospital. I am taken to her room by dad, who was waiting for me at reception.
"Lissa, oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I cry hugging her.
"Hey it's okay. It's not your fault. It never will be." She smiled.

The next few months were hard. Her constant chemo sessions weren't working and she was losing all hope. I stayed with her everyday never leaving her side. She told me to go back to my career but she was more important then anything.

She never recovered.

I soon became just a one hit wonder and nobody noticed me when I walked the streets anymore. I lost all my friends as most of them were only my friends because of Lissa. Marian told me I was stupid and that I chucked the only good part of my life away. She was right I had chucked Lissa away when I rose to fame, the only good part of my life.

I see my self back onstage, the lights shining in my eyes. My fans screaming my name. My smile never leaving my face.
"Taking the spotlight from you" I belt the last word of my song out.

Suddenly the vision is over I'm back to where I always am now. I sit down and touch her grave.
"How'd you like it Lissa?" I say tears starting to glisten in my eyes. I wipe my eyes.
"I'm sorry I took the spotlight from you, maybe if I hadn't you still would be here. I'm so sorry."
"I was always jealous of you, everyone loved you, I never got any attention. Then suddenly everyone loved me I took the spotlight from you. People actually cared who I was. It had always been dream to sing on stage. I never would of dreamed you would leave me alone."

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