Chapter 4: The Only Way Forward

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Hundreds of people crowded the halls, swaying lazily to the music with drinks sloshing in their hands. Dipper was temporarily blinded by the strobe lights that lined the walls, giving everyone a purple shine. The doors shut behind him, and he began to squeeze through the crowd as quick as he could.

Hank had pointed directly to the car park, saying that was where the parts were. Dipper hoped his direction was accurate – he didn't want to spend the rest of the night searching for car parts in an overcrowded night club on an inter-dimensional planet.

At least he could say the noise drowned out his worries for the time being. It was hard enough to even walk in a straight line, staring directly at the ground. He occasionally sneaked a few glances up at the crowd, noticing something unsettling.

There were no actual faces to every person, in a sense. Everyone was wearing a large, leather mask, each styled to be the head of an animal. There were well made, shining finely in the bright lights, and Dipper realised he must be sticking out like a sore thumb without a similar getup.

There was no time to attempt to find a mask, however. Finally, he had reached the back door after weaving through countless crowds. With a grunt, he pushed the doors open, slamming them shut again after him.

The music was once again quietened, the wind tousling his hair in greeting. Dipper sighed in relief of escaping the crowd, dusting himself off.

"Now...what did he say it was?" Dipper muttered to himself, beginning to stride across the car park. "A red van?"

Luckily, he found the vehicle quickly under the flickering street lights. At least, he hoped it was the right one, or he was going to break into a car for nothing.

It wasn't like breaking into a car was a problem, thanks to his Grunkle Stan. The older man had made sure that, during the third summer at Gravity Falls, Dipper and Mabel had learnt to not only break into a car quietly, but hot wire the entire thing for a speedy escape. Chuckling slightly at the memory, Dipper hoped he wouldn't have to make an escape similar.

One of Mabel's hairpins was still stuck on his jacket (somehow they were everywhere he went). Mentally thanking her, he began to work at the lock with the small tool, giving a small smile when he heard a click.

"Okay..." he had chosen to open the boot, assuming the parts would be stored there. He pulled up its door, frowning when he found old blankets and boxes. Dipper peered further into the van, spotting a metallic box sitting in the back seat.

"That's gotta be it." He looked around, checking no one was in the car park, then dived in through the boot and into the car. He cursed as his shin hit the metal, biting his lip to stop a yell of pain.

Wasting no time, he shuffled into the back seat and yanked the box open. With relief, he found that all sorts of engine parts were crammed into the box, and shut it again with a snap.

"Now I just need to get out of – " Dipper turned around, cutting off as he discovered he had actually acquired an audience. He froze, eyes widening.

"- here." He finished lamely. Three creatures that looked similar to Hank were watching him, their arms folded. Each had suits on, dressed for the occasion.

Each of the thugs pulled off their masks, revealing their sharp eyes and wide grins.

"What do we have here, eh?" The front of the group said teasingly. Dipper gulped, giving a wave.

"Hello...I'm Dipper Pines..." He began cooly. He lifted the box in the air. "..and I need these, if you don't mind..."

"Really?" The spokesman of the three said, giving a larger grin. "I don't think so." He snapped his fingers, and his two henchmen began to slowly close in on him. Dipper looked between them both, slowly grabbing the knife in his pocket.

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