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Beacon Hills, October 2013

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Beacon Hills, October 2013.

Reese's POV :

I, Allison and Lydia were currently at the mall, on the escalator more precisely. We were pretty close, emotionally speaking I mean, but with all that happened lately we didn't really hang out to do anything funnier than fight big bad guys that run in town.

"So..." Lydia trailed off, making me leaving my thoughts as the strawberry blonde looked at Allison. "You and Isaac? Huh?"

Allison giggled, shaking lightly her head. "Um... we don't- we aren't dating yet! But I think it's gonna happen soon." She blushed. Then, she turned her head in my direction. Shit. "You?"

"Me?" I questioned innocently as I point myself with my finger.

"You know..." Allison trailed off but I play dumb and gave her a confused look.

"With Stiles?" Lydia grinned ear to ear. "Did you guys do it?"

Allison turned all her attention on me as I saw a small smirk making its way on her lips. I just rolled my eyes at her question.

"Why's everyone asking me that?" I mumbled, rolling my eyes once again as the escalator ends. We began to walk toward a shop, especially a clothe's one. "Yes, we did."

Allison and Lydia looked at each other with two big grins on their face. Then they started to ask me how it was or if he was good in bed. Honestly, he was. I told them without all the details, of course.

We continued our visit and it had to come to an end. Now was the time I prepare myself for Stiles and I's date.

Extern POV :

"Hey, would you look at that!" Reese's dad exclaimed himself enthusiastly.

"What?" Reese shyly said. She perfectly knew that he was referring to the beautiful dress that her mother brought her.

"You're gorgeous, sweetheart." Steven, her dad, told her more calmly. The smile on his face was so big, he seemed to be the proudest father on the Earth. And he was. "You..." He trailed off before continuing, "You look like your mom."

"Thanks, dad." She smiled softly at him.

They both took a deep breath before her dad asked,

"So... a date? Right?"

"Yes, dad." She replied. Steven smirked slightly and went to ask another thing but Reese quickly covered his mouth with her hands. "Shh, don't say anything, please." She begged.

"I'm not gonna say anything." He said innocently when she removed her hands. After a moment he urgently spoke. "Is that the guy who here last time?" She painfully nodded. "Your Valdove so?" He smirked.

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