Chapter 7: Garmadon's Ceremony & The Afterparty

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"Everything Has Changed" - Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"

And your eyes look like comin' home

All I know is a simple name

And everything has changed


Inside the monastery, a choir began to perform a soothing tune in the main hall while everyone else remained seated.

Wu stood near his brother and felt a sense of pride. Garmadon was officially going to become the Master of Ninjago. He was looking forward to assisting whenever needed as well as leading beside his sibling in future battles.

Hopefully, Garmadon will feel more comfortable around me.

Wu's thoughts were interrupted after hearing someone whisper his name. He turned to the voice and saw Misako wave with a small smile. Wu returned the gesture and then focused on his brother.

Garmadon stood in front of a podium where the First Spinjitzu Master's staff rested. He felt eyes burning through his soul as he reached over to lift the staff, only for him to realize that he forgot to take off his gloves. Taking a deep breath, Garmadon carefully removed them and placed them next to him.

With shaking hands, Garmadon gently lifted the staff. He used his right hand to hold it firm beside him. The older son internally panicked when dark mist began to form around his hand as he read his vows out loud. Garmadon immediately placed the staff back on the table and put his gloves back on.

To his luck, everyone clapped and cheered. They were so immersed in the young Master's presence that they didn't notice anything strange.

After the ceremony, everyone gathered in the ballroom.

Some of the villagers were band members so they brought their instruments and played their songs to provide entertainment. Others were dancing, chatting, and overall enjoying themselves.

After the last song, Ray, the elemental master of fire, announced the brothers as they centered the front. "Master Garmadon of Ninjago." Garmadon "Wu of Ninjago." As his name was called, the younger sibling rushed to the front where he wasn't the center of attention, and waved to the crowd with a smile. 

Ray gently placed a hand on his shoulder and gestured Wu to stand next to Garmadon. "Oh here, are you sure cause I don't think I'm supposed to oh-" Wu felt on edge standing next to his brother and took one small step away from him. As much as he is proud, he couldn't help but feel disconnected and awkward around him. 

Once they stood side by side, everyone applauded causing Wu to relax a little. This feeling didn't last long as the younger sibling began to fidget and glace away. 

"Hi," Garmdon spoke, in an attempt to ease the tension.

Wu blinked twice. "H-hi me, oh um hi."

"You look handsome."

"Thank you, you look handsomer. I mean not handsomer I meant more-more handsome."

Garmadon chuckled at Wu's response. He found it cute that his brother was stumbling over words. "Thank you. So, this is what a party looks like." The siblings observed the people conversing with each other.

"It's warmer than I thought."

"What is that amazing smell?"

Wu and Garmadon deeply inhaled and faced each other. "Chocolate!" They simultaneously stated and laughed.

It felt like the awkward tension broke down at that moment. At least the brothers were able to bond over their favorite sweet.


Wu and Garmadon turned towards the voice and saw Libber, the elemental master of lightning. "As one of your closest elemental masters, I'd like to politely ask you for a favor," she began while extending her hand. "May I dance with you?"

"Thank you," Garmadon replied. "Only I don't dance, but my brother does." Wu giggled in response.

"Oh, lucky you," Libber smiled while taking his hand, leading Wu to the dance floor.

Now standing alone, Garmadon was entertained by his sibling's attempt to dance. Libber, however, was more skilled and she seemed to enjoy it.

"Well, she was spritely," Garmadon commented as Wu walked towards him after the dance. 

"Ah, especially for a lady whose main hobby is dancing!" The younger brother chucked while rolling his eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"I've never been better," Wu replied catching his breath. "This is so nice, I wish it could be like this all the time."

"Me too." Garmadon smiled but quickly glanced away. "But it can't."

"Why not? I mean if we-"  Wu reached out to his brother but he quickly pulled back.

"It just can't." Garmadon firmly stated.

This conversation was not going in the right direction. Giving up, Wu excused himself and walked away.


Word Count: 735

A/N: Hey everyone sorry for the late update! I'm moving into my dorm room for college next week and I had to do a lot of things to get ready for it. To make up for it, I'll upload the next chapter a lot quicker and I'll motivate myself to do it. Anyways thanks for reading! 💜💜💜

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