Chapter 3𒊹︎Proving them Wrong

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(^song attatched)

Sofia's POV:

I was walking behind the group of boys with Smalls. There was an awkward feeling in the atmosphere, knowing the boys were thinking badly about Smalls and I.

"Why'd you bring them Benny?" Bertram whined.

"Cause there's 8 of us and they make 9 with an extra." Benny said with a duh tone of voice.

"Yeah yeah so would my sister, but I didn't bring her!" Yeah-yeah glared at Benny.

"Again, with 9 people we've got a whole team, plus an extra, yeah yeah!" Benny stated, emphasizing plus.

"No. With Elswenger, we had a whole team. Elswenger could catch! And throw!" Ham whisper-yelled.

"Come on, Benny man. He ain't game! You saw the way he threw." Kenny begged.

"You already fill up all the empty positions since Elswenger moved to Arizona!" Timmy pointed out.

"Right, and now I get to rotate 8 positions instead of 7! I need the practice, guys!" Benny scoffed, assuming that this was obvious to them.

"You're the best in the team, you don't need any practice!" Ham whined.

Chatter began throughout their little group. Everyone was agreeing along with Ham's comment.

"Come on, Benny man. The kid is a L-7 weenie!" Squints smirked forming a square with his fingers.

"Yeah yeah! Oscar Myer even. Foot long, Dodger Dog, a weenie!"

All of the boys laughed. Smalls knew they were talking about him, so he just stood in silence.

"What are you laughing at, yeah yeah? You run like a duck!" Benny retorted.

"Okay okay! But I'm... I'm-"

"Apart of the game, right?"


"Now how come they don't get to be?"

"Cause he's a geek, man! And's obvious." Bertram sighed.

"What's obvious?" Benny started getting irritated, it was extremely visible.

"She is a girl! Girls can't play ball! Benny, it's simple. He is a geek who doesn't know how to play and She is a girl. End of story!" Ham said.

I was about to yell and say something cause I was this close 🤏🏼 to losing all my patience with Ham (a little smaller).

However, Benny yelled first, "Man, Base up you blockheads!"

He turned towards Smalls and I to tell us what to do.

"Smalls, you take left center, okay?"

"Okay! Uh...where exactly is that?" Smalls asked.

"It's over there, man." Benny nodded his head.

Unsurprisingly, Smalls went to the wrong spot.

"That's left, I said left center." Benny spoke.

Smalls moved to the correct spot.

Benny then turned to me, "Sofia, uh...what do you wanna do?"

I hesitated. What did I want to do?

"I mean I would bat but I think you're already-"

"Sure! You can bat after I do! Come on." He grabbed my hand without even realizing it and dragged me towards ham, who was the catcher.

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