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"You think we're going right away?" Shuhua asked, walking right behind Yuqi who was currently in charge of getting them to the library so they could get some books for their essay, they were still new to the school building so the chinese girl had to steal the school map from the teachers' office so they could know where they're going;

Shuhua stood up her tiptoes to peek over Yuqi's shoulder. 

"Should be around here!" Yuqi replied, tilting the map as if it would be better to read. "I don't know what that word means tho" She points and Shuhua fixes her glasses as she stares at what she was pointing at. 

"Me neither"

Both sigh. "Korean is hard" 

The younger one held Yuqi's arm against her chest as she whined. "Yuqi, we're lost"

"We're not lost… we just-" She frowns for a second "We didn't find the correct way yet"

"Since when you're so-" Shuhua stopped and Yuqi looked at her. "Optimistic!" She then added, in their mother tongue. 

"Optimistic" Yuqi repeated, in Korean. "That's the word you want and I'm always optimistic!" She then added. "You're just too negative" She added as they kept on walking.

"I'm realistic!"

"Ok, Emo"

"Hey- Wait, is that the library?" She pointed out to the room with big open windows, full of bookshelves inside. 

"Oh! I guess it is!" 

They made their way inside as quietly as possible, there was only two other students, most likely seniors, inside and one of them was sleeping on his chair with a book on top of his face while his friend was playing something on his phone; Yuqi held Shuhua's hand as they walked towards a desk in the corner. 

"Ok, now you will search for those books" She gave Shuhua the names. "and I'll look for the others"

The younger smiled. "If I find them first you'll have to buy me lunch." 

"You little- Fine." 

Both placed their bags on top of the desk and moved to different sections, Yuqi was confident she would win, even if it wasn't a competition, after all her korean was better than Shuhua's so she was almost certain she would bring back at least 2 wrong books. 

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