Chapter 7

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In the long, dark gallery Steve was leaning on the telephone table. He was laughing like a crazy man, the kind of crazy you find behind tall white walls. A rectangle of moonlight was glowing by his foot. He raised his hands to his face but he couldn't get a hold of himself.

He had called Stuart's residence and had find out that Jim is sleeping over at Alex's house, and apparently Alex's mom thinks Alex is sleeping over at Jim's. He burst in laughter again.

In the dark end ofthe gallery a doorknob twisted. The sound touched the air and died.

 The sound touched the air and died

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Air stirred as the door opened.

"Everything all right?" A voice came floating out of the darkness. It was Tom's voice. Steve's stepfather Tom.

Steve's laughter died instantly.

Tom stepped out of the door, and started walking down the gallery. He was a big, muscular man.

"What's so funny?" he said.

No reply from Steve.

Steve looked to his left and right as if he hadn't heard him.

Tom waited a moment, then said, "So champ, how you doing?"

Steve didn't reply again. Tom felt that dry feeling climbing on him like a sheet, but he ignored it and moved on. He leaned on the desk next to Steve and said, "You want to watch a movie? I've got loads--"

"NO," Steve said clearly.

"What d'you wanna do then?"

"I don't know."

"C'mon let's do something fun," Tom requested.

"Can't you just... just...okay?" Steve started to get up. He didn't like Tom. He hated him. Him and his manly body, and his all good and nice nature. What does this guy thinks, huh? That with all these things and qualities he can just prove or show that he's better than his dad was? That's what he's trying to do, right?

Oh, how Steve hated him for even thinking that he can ever replace his dad.

Tom grabbed Steve's shoulder and came in front of him. "How about tomorrow?" He said.

Steve spoke nothing. He kept looking down, just wanting to get away. Spikes of anger have started to rise in him.

"Hey, you're not getting rid of me this time. I want to spend time with you, Stevie. You're a great kid—I like you; I want to know you. I really do."

Steve started to walk away.

"Don't make me make you," Tom said and Steve halted.

"No, you can't," Steve muttered, but he was well aware of what Tom can do.

"I don't want to; I just want to spend good time with you. And you know it hurts your ma when you say things like you did at dinner."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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