Chapter 1

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I bumped into someone at a party.

"Sorry-, "  I said

"You're fine," he said

I walked over to my friends.

"Do you guys know who that is?" I asked.

"That's Elijah, he's 17, " Katelyn said.

"I heard he's in the Mafia, " Maddie said.

"Oh please, " I said.

I went to grab a drink and there he was.

"I'm Elijah and you are?" he asked then kissed my hand.

"y/n, " I said.

"Last name?" he asked.

"Kenner, " I said

"Good to know, " he said.

"Why?" I asked.

He walked away smirking without saying anything.

I scoffed.

I grabbed a random bottle that was full and went back to my friends.

"I'm going home, " I said

"Bye, " Maddie said.

"Bye walk safe, " Katelyn said.

I started walking home and it started raining.

"You've got to be sh!tting me, " I yelled.

A car pulled up to me and there he was.

"Need a ride gorgeous?" Elijah asked.

Without saying anything I got in the passenger seat.

He started driving then pointed at the bottle.
"Whatcha got there?"

I looked at the bottle then said "Whiskey."

He took the bottle from my hand, took the cork off with his teeth, and threw it in the back seat.

He started drinking it.

I went to go grab the cork from the back seat and while doing so I saw a bunch of guns and knives back there.

"Nice thòng, " he said.

I quickly sat back in my seat then slapped him in the face.

He laughed.

He grabbed my face and said, "do that again and there will be consequences."

I pushed his hand off my face, "We'll see about that."

I cleaned off the cork with my dress.

We finally got to my house I grabbed the bottle then got out of the car.

"Wait how did you know where I live?" I asked.

He smirked then slowly closed the door.

I finally got to my house and went inside.

Once Elijah saw I was inside he drove off.

I went to my room and went to sleep.

My rooms looks like this

My rooms looks like this

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