Chapter 2: Adventure Awaits Part 2

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Approaching Planet Veldin (11:47 am local time)

Ratchet works on his ship while waiting for Rivet. After some time, a small ship labeled "SuperNova Taxi" lands by his garage. A door opens, Rivet jumps out and lands perfectly on the sandy ground. She tosses a bag of bolts to the driver saying, "Thanks, Pep!"

"Anytime, Bluefur," the driver replied while flying away.

Rivet sees Ratchet, she runs toward him, then the two embrace each other tight, and they release.

"It's so good to see you again, Rivet. Thanks for coming to lend me a hand."

"No problem, that's what friends are. So, shall we finish what you started?"

After nearly half an hour of tightening,polishing the ship,and testing the engines, with negative results, Ratchet and Rivet give each other a look defeat.

"That's it for me, I'll never get off this pile of rock!",Ratchet shouted in anger.

"Don't worry, Ratchet, I'm sure a solution will present itself. You always told me that when we were kids." Rivet assured him.

"Maybe not this time." he said sadly.

Rivet didn't know what to say now, so she remained silent.

Ratchet just stared at his incomplete ship, until he and Rivet saw another ship enter the atmosphere and crash land a couple miles ahead. 

The two friends looked at each other with a little excitement and concern, then sprinted toward the scene.

Ratchet with his wrench and Bomb Glove, and Rivet with her hammer, they destroyed robots,toads and anything that posed as a threat to them with ease.

They walked side by side toward the wreckage, where they saw an unconscious robot with it's arms and legs folded into itself. Ratchet and Rivet look around for any other survivors or threats. There were none.

Ratchet picks the robot off the scorched ground, and grinned.

"What is it?",Rivet asked curiously.

"I guess we'll find out," he answered as he, the robot, and Rivet headed back to the garage.

(12:02 pm local time)

The surviving defective warbot opens his green eyes, to see two furry aliens working on what looks like a homemade ship. The bot pops his limbs out walking towards them. 

Ratchet closes the hood of the ship, while Rivet was sitting in the ship running tests.

"Interesting,"the robot said, this made Ratchet scream "YIKES!" and fall off the crate. Rivet saw him fall and jumped out of the ship immediately to check on him.

"You okay,partner?",she asked, offering a hand. He took it and got back on his feet.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ratchet answered, dusting himself off.

"I am sorry, I just though this one was quite handy with his wrench," the bot said, pointing to Ratchet.

Ratchet replied, "You bet! I built that ship with it."

The bot looks around before continuing, "Hmm, currently I am in search of someone who could be of assistance in saving the solar system. Do you know where I might find that fellow?"

He points to a poster of Captain Qwark.

"Not gonna lie, little guy, he's kinda out of reach right now," Rivet answered honestly, with a frown.

(DISCONTINUED!!) Ratchet,Rivet & Clank: Book 1: A New Beginning(R&C AU)Where stories live. Discover now