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Unbeknownst to the Shelby family, Tommy had a certain pretty barmaid on his mind. He had mixed feelings about her, but he knew she was beautiful, and strong willed. He had only spoken with her a few times, but she found him in her own thoughts as well. She saw him now, coming down the lane with his tall white horse. Grace gripped the bucket she was holding tightly, and sloshed the dirty water out into the streets, right in front of Tommy's shoes. "Oh-my apologies, Mr. Shelby-I didn't see you there." She lied. She had seen him, and she had wanted an excuse to talk to him. Tommy stared down at his shoes in silent awe of the water swirling in the gravel, smoke, and mud on the ground. Just as their eyes meet, another figure sidles into view, coming from behind the horses flank. The small girl is wild, unkept, with dirtied skirts and unlaced boots that squeak as she stamps her feet impatiently, much like the horse next to her. She has a rope tied from her wrist that leads to the horses neck-the horse is leading her. Grace notes how she is staring up at the sky, up at nothing. 'She's blind' Grace realizes to herself. Judging from the tiny noises coming from her throat, noises akin to those that come from the madhouse, Grace guesses she is also deaf. "I didn't realize you had a child with you-is she yours?" the barmaid inquires. 

Tommy blows cigarette smoke out of the side of his mouth, pausing and looking Grace over as if to contemplate whether the question she asked him was worth a response. "This here is Lily. Lily Shelby. my youngest sibling." Tommy inclines his head towards the child, a quick and not so courteous introduction. "She's beautiful." Grace compliments, shifting from foot to foot and feeling awkward. "You don't have to lie to me. I'm aware of her state-she's the farthest thing from beautiful there is in these streets." Tommy said coolly-not in a manner of hate or disdain- for he loved his sister-but in a matter of fact. Grace didn't quite know what to say to that. "Well...maybe if you combed her hair, washed her clothes....maybe tied her shoes and such. Then I'm sure she'd be as right as rain and ready for the races." Grace tilted her chin up as she laughed, trying to make light of the situation. 

Tommy laughed-an actual, real laugh-those of which are as rare as finding a hunk of gold in the streets. "I'd pay good coin to see you fix her up nice and pretty like all the schoolgirls her age. You'd have to teach her some manners, too of course. I admit I've tried but I find it harder than a beast such as this one." He patted the horse next to him, which nickered gently in response. "This horse listens to me. This horse takes my affections and returns them to me. This horse knows how to eat well mannered and stay clean. That is much more than this child here can do." He stated. "Lily is a beast all her own." He says this in a flat tone, no longer laughing. "Is that a job offer or a challenge, Mr. Shelby?" Grace said, lifting her chin high and meeting his eyes. Tommy quirked an eyebrow, yanking the reins of his horse and leading the large animal, and in turn, towing Lily along with him. He turned, looking over his shoulder as he walked away. "I suppose it's both." He said.

 "When do I start!" Grace called out, eager at the prospect of seeing him again, and of working somewhere other than a bar all day with nothing but the loud voices of angry, alcohol filled men. "How about tomorrow?" He said, not looking back. "Perfect." 

*authors note: So yeah here is Grace. She kind of fits in this story a little differently. In the show I am not a huge Grace fan at all-I'm a Lizzy fan. I will always ship Lizzy and Tommy first and foremost. But I am trying to write her a bit more likeable in this book. In the show in my opinion, she is just a snitching two faced girl who turns bitchy in later seasons. 

Savage Beast-A Peaky Blinders retelling of Helen KellerWhere stories live. Discover now