Chapter 14- Black Confrontations

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Frannie took a deep breath, running a hand through her hair and trying to keep her fingers from shaking. She had been gone for nearly twenty four hours and she couldn't hide anymore. Clenching her jaw, she pushed open the door to the Transfiguration classroom, causing several heads to turn in her direction. "Sorry I'm late, Professor."

She resisted the urge to cower as she felt the stares of the students boring into the side of her face. For perhaps the first time, she gained a new respect for Potter. Being ogled at wasn't exactly her typical experience.

McGonagall gazed at her over her spectacles, seeming rather wary. "Take a seat," she gestured to an empty chair besides Peter. "Although I'm afraid I don't know what to call you anymore, Ms.?"

"Black will do," Frannie replied, trying not to flinch as she stubbed her toe on the bottom of her desk.

"I see," McGonagall's lips pressed into a tight line. "You gave us all quite a shock, Ms. Black."

Frannie sunk further into her seat, noticing Sirius scanning her features abashedly from the row beside hers and looking rather confused. "I know," she rubbed her forehead, desperate to escape the stifling atmosphere. "Figured I could find a place to focus in your class."

McGonagall gave a small nod, turning back towards the blackboard. "Very well. Although I am sure your classmates are bursting with questions."

Frannie's gaze followed the woman's movements unseeingly as she tried to ignore James and Sirius waving at her, suspicion flaring across their faces.

"Is it true?" she looked over to see Peter staring at her bashfully, his voice a small squeak. "Are you really from the.. the future?" he stammered.

Frannie forced a trembling smile on her lips. "Yes." She nodded towards James and Sirius, her stomach clenching. "Have they said anything?"

"Sirius wants to know how you're related," Peter whispered, looking rather uncomfortable as he fiddled with his wand. "Reckons Regulus must be your father, says you two have the same hair."

Frannie let out a small groan, closing her eyes. The situation just continued to get worse. A piece of her had hoped that without Harry, maybe her father would see her in a more favorable light. "And James?"

"I think he just feels betrayed," Peter looked up at her with a watery gaze. "Marauders don't keep secrets you know."

"Yes, they do," Frannie muttered, prodding at the turtle she was supposed to transfigure. "And Lily and Alice?"

"Worried sick!"

She spun around to see Lily glaring at her from behind, her emerald gaze fierce. The Gryffindor looked like she hadn't slept at all, and her normally pressed clothes were rather rumpled.

"Lily!" Frannie's eyes widened in guilt. "I am so—"

"You owe me an explanation, Black," Lily seethed, her face nearly turning as red as her hair. "I—"

McGonagall snapped her wand, causing the blackboard to collapse to the ground, folding into a small cube. "It seems I will not receive anything productive from this class today," the Gryffindor head sighed, her nostrils flaring in impatience. "You are dismissed." Her gaze fell on Frannie, seeming to soften slightly in recognition, although Frannie could have just been imagining it. "Go easy on her."

Frannie managed a thankful smile, dipping her head as she pulled her bag over her shoulder. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed her elbow rather forcefully. Frannie pulled out her wand, whirling around to face her attacker.

"Spare me the dramatics," Severus drawled, his dark gaze bored as they headed out into the corridor. "I need to talk to Lupin."

Frannie gaped at the Slytherin, her chocolate gaze wide in surprise. "You mean—"

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