Chapter 8

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*dixie comes in the room noah is in*

Dixie: hey

Noah: hi... *look down*

Dixie: you okay? You don't seem happy or excited

Noah: because I'm not

Dixie: shouldn't you be happy?

Noah: dix. I'm marrying a girl I don't love. I'm having a kid with you and I want to be there for her.

Dixie: noah, forget about me and the baby. Your going to have a better life. A wife and kids with her. And you won't even know I existed...

Noah: but I don't wanna forget you dixie. Or my child...

Dixie: well you going to have to. Wising you luck *hugs him*

Noah: *hugs back* *puts his hand on her stomach*

Dixie: *puts her hand on top of his* time to let go...

Dixie: bye... *dixie leaves the room and goes back to her seat*

*the wedding starts*

Daisy: *walking down the aisle*

*they do what they have to do blah blah blah*

Priest: Daisy Ryla Keech do you take Noah Timothy Beck as your husband for the rest of you life?

Daisy: I do

Priest: Noah Timothy Beck do you take Daisy Ryla Keech as your wife for the rest of your life?

Noah: i- *looks at dixie*

Dixie: *giving him a sign to say 'i do'

Noah: I... I can't I'm sorry I can't

Daisy: what....

Noah: sorry I can't.... I'm not marrying you... I can't I love someone else.

Amy: *laughs nerveoulsy* Noah what are you doing

Noah: mom I'm not I can't I'm sorry *walks over to dixie*

Dixie: what are you doing Noah.

Noah: I can't just leave you like this.

Dixie: noah I'll be one go to daisy

Daisy: listen to her!

Noah: no I won't because I love her and I'm having a kid with her and  not letting her do this alone. We will go through this together *kisses her*

Dixie: *kisses back*

Amy: uh the wedding canceled bye!

*they picked up everything and it got canceld*

*they are at the d'amelio house*



Noah and Dixie: what

Amy: you left her on your own wedding day

Noah: yes and I'm proud

Heidi: *pulls dixie towards her* your getting locked in your room

Dixie: no I'm not I'm old enough to make my own decisions.

Noah: I have a question for both of you.

Heidi: what is it Mr. Beck

Noah: why don't you guys accept it? Like don't you want us to be happy with whoever we want? Isn't that what a parent wants?

*Amy&heidi look at each other*

Heidi: I guess your right...

Amy: yeah maybe you are. I shouldn't have forced you into that relationship. I should accepted who you truly loved.

Heidi: same goes to you dixie.

Noah: so? Cab you let me be with dixie?

Heidi: take her.

Amy: if your happy then I allow it.

Noah: *picks dixie up and spins hr around*

Dixie: *giggles*

Noah: *puts her down and kisses her*

Dixie: *kisses back*

Noah: I guess it does end with a happy ending

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