Sinnoh Switcheroo

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The plane had landed on the grounds of Jubilife City, and as Ash stepped right onto the doorframe of the plane's exit, a huge wave of nostalgia came barreling through like a charging Tauros.

"Man, it's great to be back. It's hard to believe it's been so long." Ash said excitedly. 

"Pika pi!" Pikachu agreed.

He quickly went deep in thought, reminiscing of all the memories he held travelling to this region with Dawn and Brock. Unfortunately, he couldn't do that for too long due to the huge crowd of passengers attempting to get through and leave the plane.

"Hey kid! You're holding us up. Stop blocking the exit!" Yelled one of the random passengers, which was soon followed by an entire crowd yelling at him to get off.

Ash quickly apologized and stepped off to find Goh, who'd already walked off whilst Ash was reminiscing. The young boy found his friend wandering about some trees, eagerly staring upon a branch that contained a helpless little Skorupi stuck above it. It was too scared to get off, which is why Goh had come over to help it.

"It's alright, I promise, I won't let you get hurt," Goh said with full honesty. He may not pay absolute attention to every single one of his Pokemon, but he still cared about them nonetheless. Noticing his warm personality, the Skorupi quickly jumped down to fall upon Goh's hands.

Once it landed safely, Goh expressed a few more kind words to help calm it down, to which the little Skorupi had responded to by crying off onto its shoulder.

"Well Goh, looks like you made a new friend, are you gonna catch this one?" Ash asked.

"Do you even need to ask?" Goh raised his Pokeball and gently tapped it onto the Skorupi's head, making sure to avoid startling it by accident. A bright light appeared and Skorupi had flashed into the ball. The ball shook a few times, before eventually showing the glimmering pop that indicated a catch.

"Nice! My first catch in Sinnoh!" The excited Goh said proudly. They found their way to the nearest Pokemon Center and booked a room to stay in.

"Man, that was an exhausting trip." Ash stated.

"For you, maybe," Goh retorted, still trying to set his belongings neatly on his side of the room, "But there's a whole group of Pokemon out there just waiting for me to catch them, so see ya!".

Ash chuckled as Goh raced out of the room, scratching the back of his head awkwardly with a sweat drop as he heard Goh accidentally bump into Nurse Joy and apologize.

Ash figured he'd rest up for a few minutes before heading out himself, probably to train. He turned on the TV in the room and checked on to see his favorite channel, Championship battle reruns, in which Leon was shown battling a former member of the Masters 8. Pikachu hopped up to the spot of the bed where Ash was currently laying in, comfortably resting himself on his trainer's shoulder.

Despite all the action going on in the television, Ash couldn't help but feel somewhat bored, perhaps it was the lack of battling he'd done in the past few days. Little by little, his mind started to grow more and more impatient until he'd finally broke.

"Gahhhhh!" Ash exclaimed, startling his partner, " I just can't take it anymore," he quickly plopped Pikachu onto his shoulder and ran out the room. Once he was outside, he took his Rotom phone out and looked around for any other trainers participating in the World Coronation Series. As he looked around more and more, the chances kept getting slimmer and slimmer. There was no one around who he could challenge. He did bump into a trainer who participated in the World Coronation Series, but due to the other trainer being part of the Normal Class, a battle challenge couldn't be issued.

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