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The news boys lodging house in Brooklyn was nothing special, but it was home to Lilliana Dubois and the Brooklyn newsies. So to her, the Brooklyn lodging house was the most special thing in the world.

Lilly put her newsie cap on, as well as a thin jacket. The sun had just gone down and the temperature had began to drop. She was standing in front of the mirror, brushing the bottom half of her hair with her fingers when she heard footsteps coming up behind her. A hand then snatched Lilly's cap right off of her head and next thing she knew, she was chasing her best friend, Hot Shot, around the bunk room.

"come on Shot, I gotta go ta 'Hattan 'fore it gets too late!" Lilly whined as she chased Hot Shot.

"oh yeah, then grab it from me." Hot Shot teased and held her cap high.

"Hot Shot, give it back!" She whined once again, reaching for her hat. But even when she did jump, she still couldn't get it. It was not that she was short; in fact she was 5'6, a whole 2 inches taller than Spot. It was Hot Shot who was a whole half a foot taller than her, sitting at 6 feet.

"what's the magic woid?" Hot Shot asked, raising his eyebrows.

Lilly rolled her eyes. "puh-lease!" She enunciated, in which Hot Shot handed her newsie cap back. "thanks, see ya in a bit."

Just before she could leave the bunk room, a strong hand grabbed her wrist, stopping her from going any farther. She then turned around to see the King of Brooklyn,

Spot Conlon.

He was Lilly's best friend ever since she became a Brooklyn newsie. They were practically inseparable, attached by the hip. Wherever Spot was, best believe that Lilly was there as well.

For the second time that night, Lilly rolled her eyes. "what do ya want, Spotty?"

"where ya goin' aftah sundown, huh?" Spot asked, raising an eyebrow.

"to 'Hattan. Jack says he got some clothes for me an' the younger newsies."

"fine, but be careful, alright? Them 'Hattan-"

"'Hattan boys are trouble, I know, I know." She interrupted. Everytime Lilly went to Manhattan, the same five words always came out of Spot's mouth.

Them 'Hattan boys are trouble.

In reality, Manhattan consisted of the most harmless newsies. But Lilly knew what Spot meant by trouble as Manhattan also consisted of the most flirtatious newsies in all of New York.

And Romeo, who respectively lives up to his name, always made sure to uphold that reputation.

"don't spend too much time out, okay?"

"okay, bye Spotty." Lilly replied quickly and ran out the door.

"bye Lil." Spot said quietly, even though she was now out of the bunk room.

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There weren't any clouds in the sky and the moon shined brighter than any moon she had ever seen before. It brought out the stars that twinkled at her, making her dark brown eyes sparkle in the light. Lilly had always loved stars. It was an old friend of her's, Cosmo, who taught her about them. She marvelled at their beauty; they were so simple yet so beautiful and in a city like New York, she didn't see them often. So, in any night where the stars were visible, she made sure to take any moment she can to look at them.

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