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*This chapter contains brief mention of abuse/rape*

"Death note?" The book lay centered on my desk, light from my lamp reflected off the silver lettering on the cover. Is this some sort of emo diary?

I hesitate to open it for a second, afraid that I had taken home someone's gothic journal. Curiosity beats fear any day, and so I was driven to open it to the first page.

The human whose name is written in this book shall die.

"Definitely an emo journal..." Slightly concerned for whoever wrote this, I close the book out of respect for their privacy. Sighing, I spin around in my chair, an unexpectedly meet eye to eye with a damn devil.

Instinctively, I scream- the thing jump scared me. Its' eyes were so large and glossy that I could see my own terrified reflection. The things mouth unhinged, and a brutal cackle filled the silence.

"Well, you weren't exactly who I was expecting to pick up my notebook."

This is his notebook? I knew emo's had been getting more creative with their makeup recently, but good lord isn't this taking it a bit too far? He doesn't even look human anymore. 

"You can have your notebook back, I'm sorry!" I quickly toss the book towards him. The book hits his chest, then falls to the floor. As my eyes trail down to the notebook that was now on the floor, I finally got a glimpse of this things body. I don't know how I didn't see it before. I guess his face was so eye-peeling that I couldn't look away. Those broad shoulders that lead down into the thinnest waist I've ever seen was inhumane. Also, the fact that he was floating was also pretty inhumane, I guess. The thing cackled as he noticed me examining his body.

"As you can see, I'm not exactly human." He bent over and picked up the notebook, "and this notebook, I don't want it. It belongs to you." He tossed it lazily towards me.

"Thanks?" I'm starting to think this isn't just an emo diary... huh.

"I am the shinigami Ryuk, and by now I hope you've figured out that this notebook is no ordinary notebook," Ryuk introduced himself with a breathy laugh following his dialogue. 

"So you're telling me, the things written in here actually apply to this notebook?"


"Even the 'the person whose name is written in this book shall die'?" I read from the first page of the death note. It's seriously hard to believe that simply writing someone's name in here could actually kill them...

"Yeah, that's the whole point." Impatience complimented his voice. "So, Y/N, how are you going to use it?" Ryuk's interest peaked at this question. How am I going to use this?

"How can I be sure it really works?"

"Well, there's a shinigami in front of you telling you it works, so you can either take my word, or..." Ryuk's voice trailed off momentarily as he climbed atop my bed, "you could test it out."

"Test it out huh?" I spin my chair back towards my desk, centering the death note before me. He's right, a god of death is right in front of me, I have no reason to disbelieve the powers this notebook has. "I can't say I've ever viewed life preciously, no, living is a curse. As the earth continues to age, year by year, it just keeps getting worse and worse. It's as if the world is rotting, and those who'd been given to curse of life are forced to helplessly watch as the world burns." I turn towards Ryuk, his eyes were already locked on mine, listening very closely to my words.

"I want to save us who are bound to this earth by ridding of the things that have taken the blessing of life, and made it a curse. Abuse, rape, discrimination, and other things have been brought on by the devils living amongst us. I can save the world and the innocence that lives within from the diseased who make this world rot." I see Ryuk smile widely. "Think about it Ryuk, without people who abuse, people who assault innocence, people who oppress, none of those things would exist; and the world would alas be at peace. With this power, I can be the savior the world needs."

Ryuk's POV:

I've never seen views such as these. I've only been to the human realm for the short amount of time, and just by overhearing several conversations, I've seen so many different perspectives on life. But, this one's view is certainly unique... Although I had hoped for that genius boy to pick up the notebook, this one doesn't seem to be too bad of a replacement. With such a savior complex, I can see how down the line, Y/N will surely lose their true self over these ridiculous dreams to be some sort of hero. Seeing a person stray from their own self in order to save something greater than themself... sounds interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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