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ladybirdmovie on set with these two will never not be entertaining

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on set with these two will never not be entertaining

liked by tchalamet, ameliamonet, and 198,573 others

tchalamet: stars all around us
-ladybirdmovie: you included timmy t


ameliamonet: lucas and i cannot be stopped!
-lucashedges: it's so hard being the two best cast members
-tchalamet: AYO

user: amelia and timothée are finally interacting again
-user: what a time to be alive


i need to see you

tim it's 3 am
are you okay?

yeah don't worry
i just need to see you

okay come over

be there in ten

in real life

what the fuck is going on? why is timothée after a week of barely talking to me suddenly needing to see me? i pace back and forth in my kitchen waiting for his arrival until i hear the awaited knock on my door. i rush over before pulling it open to reveal a smiley timothée.

he immediately pulls me into a tight hug. i tense up at the sudden action but easily relax into his hold. he lets me go with a smile on his face before closing the door and leading me over to my living room in a hurry.

"what's going on tim?" i ask with apparent confusion. he stands up and starts to pace around my living room before opening his mouth to speak.

"i've been thinking a lot about you" he starts and quickly pauses before speaking once again. "this past week has been absolute hell, not talking to you the way i want to, seeing you with another guy. absolute hell. i know we were both using people to make other people jealous but still" he pauses again and catches my surprised expression before continuing again.

"i'm finally ready to admit the thing i've wanted to admit for so long" he pauses and takes a deep breath, wearily glancing at me before continuing once again. "i'm in love with you amelia monet. i've been in love with you ever since you calmed me down from my panic attack in grade seven. i've never stopped loving you i just started hiding it"

i'm about to respond before he starts up again with a a wide smile on his face. "i went to see every single one of your movies in the theatre. every time i went i fell more and more painfully in love with you" he finishes with a relived expression on his face.

"then why did you do that shit in high school timmy? i don't understand" i say with a confused expression once again. he takes a seat next to me on the couch before answering my question.

"i thought i needed to be popular to feel wanted, which meant leaving you in the dust. it's my biggest regret to this day and i had to find out the hard way that popularity doesn't equal love" he says with an apologetic smile.

"i guess i just came here to say, do you love me back?" he says hesitantly and looks me in the eye awaiting my response.

"of course i do timmy. i've loved you since grade five. i hated you for leaving me but my love for you never went away. i was ashamed of it sure but it's the truth" i pause before continuing. "you coming back into my life reminded me so much of why i loved you, which caused me to fall back in love with you so fucking quickly" i say as i look back into his eyes.

his face lights up after i finish my little speech. he practically jumps on me and i let out a squeal before he presses his lips to mine. i immediately return the kiss before he pulls away and wraps me into a bear hug.

"i don't know what i was expecting but it definitely wasn't that" he whispers into my ear and hugs me tighter before letting me go. he sits up and faces me before speaking again.

"i wish i could do this in a more extravagant way but i have to do it now. amelia monet, would you do me the ultimate honour of being my girlfriend?" he says with a bright smile looking into my eyes.

"is that even a question? of course i'll be your girlfriend timothée chalamet"

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