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Hope you enjoy this and my roblox avatar🤪🤪

Today I'm at the mall with some fake ass friends I have. They bought me food and that's the only reason why I'm here.
We are starting to leave because the mall is about to close so we are getting out stuff together and leaving.
I have to go to josh and lovely deenas house anyways after this.
"I need to use the bathroom!"
"Ok don't take long!"
I run to the bathroom and do my business
Wash my hands run out back to the girls well... so not girls they aren't even there anymore. Just a puddle of... blood?! Nuh uh I'm not stupid I start running off to the exit of the mall. this dude with a skull mask comes running to me chasing me I scream maybe like 4 times.
He pins me and cuts my belly and leg
I tase him with my taser that Josh gave me and run while limping out of the mall. There is a police car outside of the mall n's the cop puts his gun up and then quickly puts it down noticing it's me.
It's a small town everyone knows everyone.

Im put into a ambulance and driven off to the hospital. 5 fucking hours later I got like 48 stitches and is now riding my bike to Josh's house.
I nock on the door in a song type form. Me deena and josh made a nock thingy so we know who is here.
"Hey Yn!" Deena says I just stand there for a second looking at her
"Hey Deena!" I say while walking inside and instantly smelling pizza I run into the kitchen and grab two slices from the box.
"So where we're you?" Deena asks.
"Oh at the mall. Getting almost murdered by a guy with a skull mask. Then being at the fucking hospital for 5 HOURS FUCKING 5 HOURS JUST TO BE GIVEN JELLO LIKE BITCH PLEASE I NEED A FULL COURSE MEAL AFTER NOT BEING FED AFTER 5 HOURS. They said because you can't eat before getting your stitches. Ok and? I need food to survive then they give me a small ass jello. Like "Omg that was so much food!" Like no I need more"
"Oml I hate that!" Deena says after I rant
"Anyways wanna see my cuts!?"
I show her and she just looks at me with a face that says "how did you not die?!"
"Yea anyways where's josh?" I say while eating the pizza
"Where else would he be?"
"Ugh he never comes out of there does he?"
"Nope only for pizza!" She says while grabbing a slice and bring it
"Ima go to josh now."
"Ok get more slices if you want to!"
"Ok thank you Deena!" I say while grabbing two more and running down stairs while chuckling

I sneak behind Josh to scare him...
"AHHHHHHH" he yells then smacks me in the face.
I say while laughing and holding the side of my face
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Ugh whatever!" He says while turning around to his computer
"AWW! Are you taking to your princess of fartville?!"
"AWW! Did you have fun talking to your so oh lovely Deena?!"
I say while walking to the couch.
Fun facts about me: I'm lesbian. Found out when I was in 5th grade. Has had a crush on Deena sense 5th grade. Has been friends with Josh sense 2nd grade. And is I love with food, and Deena.
"Dude I was almost killed today!"
"Oh yea I saw you on the news. They said you got 40 something stiches because of the murderer in the mall like cutting you with a knife!"
"Yea that happened wanna see?!"
"YESSS!" He says while jumping off of his chair.
I pull up my shirt and show him my stomach then show him my leg
"Damn how did you not die?"
"Taser you gave me. Pretty good for protection not gonna lie."
"Told you that you would need it!" He says while sitting back down
I yawn feeling tired after this long day I finished my pizza like a minute ago so I don't need to worry about that.
"Ima go to bed!" I say while walking up stairs I could hear him say goodnight and I say it back.
I made a note that is now tattooed into my head that everytime I sleep over I make sure to say goodnight to Deena.

I walk to deenas room after changing into a sports bra and some pajama pants.
I nock on her door in the songy way
"Come in Yn!"
I walk into her room and we her look at me.
"I just wanted to say goodnight"
"Yea, goodnight. I'll make sure to wake you up form your beauty rest because I know Josh won't." She says while sitting up and I smile at her and sit on her bed.
"Ugh I forgot school is tomorrow."
"Yea school sucks. But wanna know what sucks more?"
"You not getting rat go to bed child!"
"HEY! I'm only like 6 months younger then you!"
"Exactly go to bed!"
"Fine goodnight!" I say while getting up but I stop form Deena grabbing my hand.
"Wait one more thing." She then kisses my forehead...
"Goodnight Yn."
"Goodnight Deena." I say while smiling at her.

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