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As I pounced onto the roof my shins froze. The cold misty air surrounded me and i was unable to stop it. All that time of climbing for what? My self being a popsicle! Lifting my sharp claws, I strike the Wind and prepared it for its horrible death. Right here, right now. No holding back.

I adjusted myself to the right position and squatted down, as I got ready to attack. Taking my back legs, slightly bent and my back in the perfect curve, I was ready. This cat is gonna get you Mr. Wind. With my claws imprinted on the ceiling I leaned back to have the perfect momentum when I jump, head first.

This is MY roof. And im not willing to share. I thought.

With full speed in my body I pushed my back legs off the building as if I was in a swimming race. (Which I would obviously win anyway.) My claws were straight up. My ears, alarmed. And my tail was in the air. With full force I grabbed the misty shadow of Mr. Wind.

Wait. Did I mess Mister Wind with fog again? Falling mid air to my nasty doom my ears stopped sticking up and drooped down instead. A cat always lands on four feet. With my face starting to grin I put my four paws down, facing the ground.

I guess not all cats land on fours... I was falling out of the sky like a bullet. If humans knew the expression its raining cats and dogs were real, who knows what the future would be. Once I became close to the ground, my fatal expression frowned as I went crashing through the sunroof of a red Toyota. Small car but that doesn't matter.

"MEOOOWWWWW" I snarled, as the mother, father and the little boy shrieked with fear. I wonder what they were thinking at that moment? Hey! Did a cat just fall from the sky? Yes. A really handsome one too.

As the mother opened the window I knew what was going to happen. They were going to throw me out. Oh well, I guess ill save my claws for you next time Mr. Wind. I lifted my paw from the surface of the seat, and scratched the little boy on the arm.

"IM GONNA GET RABIES!" The little boy screamed. Oops, did I do that?

The fathers face turned as red as a tomato. He threw his hands in the backseat, snatched my waist, and yanked me out of the car. THROUGH A WINDOW. Did your parents not teach you manors? Your supposed to open the door and then through the cat that fell from the sky out. Jeez!

people might call me the terror of Wisconsin or the mischievous little cat but hey, thats alright with me. At least I don't have an owner. Getting an owner stinks. It takes away pets freedom. Well maybe not dogs. Those drooly snugly things love their owners and I have no idea why.

Well, at least my name isn't what they call me in news papers. Its actually a classic name that humans name their kids. Milo. What did you expect my name to be, Oreo? Einstein? Elvis maybe? Well thats not the case. Im just stinking old Milo. The orange cat.

After I got tossed out the window like garbage, I stood up and brushed the dust off my fur coat.

"Grrrrrrr" Is the sound I heard coming from my stomach.

"Fine i'll get you a hotdog."

Walking gleefully down the street under the green trees of spring, I came across a bubbling water fountain in the middle of a Wisconsin park. Water. Its true that cats like drinking milk but water is another one of my favorite refreshing beverages. Taking showers or baths? Thats a no for me. Just because that boy across the street is drinking coke doesn't mean he should bathe in it!

Thinking about it, well it made me even more hungry. I noticed that down the path was a wiener stand. Ha, I wanted hot dogs anyway. As I continued to prance down the path I contained a peacefulness inside of me. It felt like a fiery bubble that inserted itself inside me.   


Once I got close enough to my destination that cheesy bubble suddenly popped. I did notice that Hopps, my worst enemy, is the one that is running the hotdog stand currently. Oh hopps, it has to be hopps.

A cheery appearance with chubby cheeks as he works all day in a pool of sweat. Archibald Hopkins. Archie, hopps, hopps is better. This dude wouldn't let me steal a crumb off his property. Truth is... im fast. He is slow. I get the crumb, every time.

As I was sneakily crouched down in a way where I was unseeable. Scampering before hid eyes I had my eyes located on the target. The wieners. With the wind snatching my tail it felt like a signal to me, that it was time to pounce.

As I looked up at Archie he walked to the back of his food truck for who knows what. Maybe mayo. Yes. My sister puts mayo on her hotdogs. As he distracted himself without even knowing he was, I knew it was my chance to act.

I jumped up onto the table outside the hotdog stand and chomped the hotdog right into my fangs.

My green narrow eyes twinkled in relief that I wouldn't starve to death. I got ready to sprint yet the mustard was not on my meaty treat.

With my tiny claws I put one front paw on the right side of the container and put another on the left. With both "hands" secure, I simply squeezed the mustard. Mustard. So satisfying to see it drizzle onto the plate.

            As I took my sweet time my preoccupied mind got ahead of itself, and Hopps beady eyes glared over at the condiment table. Oh great. Of course. ITS GINGER!" Hopps exclaimed. He obviously doesn't know my real name. And ill have him know that im a sunset orange color!

As I grabbed my hotdog firmly in my mouth, I leaped off the table and smoothly hit the ground. As he chased after me looking like he had to pee, I was relaxingly walking down the road. Look back for a second and OH MY GOD HE IS ON MY TAIL. I darted past his slimy sweaty hands and jumped onto the fountain. WATER!
"MEEEEOOOOOWWWWW" I squealed, and dashed down the street, not looking back.

With my feet damp and looking soggy, I wringed out as much as I could. Which wasn't a lot. I unfortunately dropped my wiener on the way over here. My house. It isn't much. But its something. Chipped paint. Cracked wood. Scratched sofa. My home. As I popped a sprite and began to relax on my couch I heard a slight creak at my door. How selfish can people be, just knocking at doors at 9:00 pm! I curiously sat my bottom up and limped to the door with my sleepy foot. As I opened the door there was nothing nor nobody there. Just a faint dusty aroma surrounded by a large letter to support my bad eye sight. With my tiredness showing I (not thinking) opened the folded letter.

Blah blah blah blah
Blah blah blah Milo
Blah blah from Sand-witch.

Now I knew I was going bananas. I sat back relaxed on my unpleasant sort of couch, and dozed off in a matter of a minute. Mmmmm im kinda hungry for a sandwich.

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