chapter one

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Germany shivered as he sat on the snowy grass. he clutched his small bag of things in his arms and silently cried into it. All his vater told him to do was take his items of value and run far far away.

As he was he was sulking into his bag, he heard voices coming from behind him.

"What about his son?"

"I already told you Америка, They have searched the house, there is not a trace of him"

"he's not old enough to fend for himself"

Germany put a hand over his mouth and tried to quickly gain his composure to prevent being heard. But then he heard a pair of footsteps creeping closer and closer.

'Vater said to trust no one' he thought about leaving before he got caught, but it was too late to consider that because as he looked up with his still teary eyes, he saw two very tall countries before him. The shorter country had a warm welcoming look on his face while the much taller country looked cold and stern.

The shear height of the countries was enough to send Germany into silent panic
Germany had never seen any other countries other than his vater since he was never allowed to leave his house. So to say that this was a new experience would be an understatement

"Hey kid" the shorter country said in a calming voice whilst nealing down to seem less intimidating

Germany shrank into the wall he was leaned against. He couldn't trust anyone.

"We need to take him to the others" the taller country Expressed his impatience.

"C'mon kid" the shorter one reached out a hand to him. Germany hesitated at first since he was told never to trust strangers, but what else was he going to do? Freeze to death? So he took his hand.

"My name is USA by the way, but you can just call me America" the shorter country said as he picked Germany up off of the ground and snuggled him into his jacket. Germany leant his face on America's shoulder as the taller country picked up Germany's small bag of things.

"Should we let him keep this?" The taller country asked
"Of course! It's his belongings" America snapped as they brought the very cold German inside.

"So, this is Soviet, France and Britain" America explains whilst gesturing to the respective countries



"Good evening, Germany"

Soviet was the only country in the room that wasn't happy to see him. All the others looked either relieved, nice or kind, but Soviet had a look of disgust.

"G-Germany?" Germany asked confused. "M-mein name is Deutschland" Germany wiped some remaining tears off of his face.

"Oh, the English equivalent of your name is Germany, you will be referred by that name from now on" America stated wiping a tear from Germany's cheek. France lit the fireplace and led Germany towards it.

The warmth from the fireplace against Germany's ice cold skin felt like heaven to him. "Don't lean to close, you could burn yourself" France purred as she stroked Germany's hand. The way France stroked Germany's backhand in circle motions reminded him of what his vater would do when Germany was ever sad or scared. For some reason it was very calming and therapeutic to him.

"Do you like that?" France asked in a soft tone. Germany replied with an approving sound.

For a while they just sat in front of the fire with France sitting next to him massaging his hand, as the others talked in the background. The way that France rubbed his hand made him block out the conversation that the other allies were having, but it soon became ineffective. France could tell that Germany was trying to listen in on their conversation, so she tried to distract him.

"How old are you?" France already knew his age, but she was just trying to distract Germany. "S-seven" he stuttered out. "Intresting, do you want me to get you something to keep you warm?" France asked as she watched the fire dance in the reflection of Germany's glasses. "Yes bitte"

France left the room to go find a blanket and in doing so, her plan backfired as Germany started to listen in to the conversation.

"But that's not the point I was getting to" America interrupted Britain "what I was trying to say was; how are we gonna tell the kid? He seemed to have a really strong connection with him, so what are we going to do now that he's de-" Britain slapped a hand over America's mouth as he realizes that Germany was listening in on there conversation. "Silence, America. Germany is listening. It's still fresh in his mind and I won't have him in tears again" Britain whispered. America nodded understandably as he pulled Britain's hand away from his mouth.

This small exchange was enough to make Germany's mind start to race. What happened to vater? Why did they not want me to listen? What were they having a hard time trying to tell me? All thoughts that spun around in his head and distracted him so much to the point where he didnt even notice the blanket being wrapped around him by France.

"Are you alright, Allemagne? You seem a bit dazed" she asked, pushing Germany's glasses to the bridge of his 'nose'. "Hm? Oh- y-yes, I'm good"  he blurted out, not really thinking about what he was saying (something he was always told not to do).

France looked down at Germany. He had a nice aura that seemed to follow him around everywhere he went, Even reich seemed to be more happy around him. His cheeks and arms were sprinkled with freckles that complemented his golden skin.

France sighed "how can a lemon so sour be related to a peach so sweet" Germany giggled at her remark as his his cheeks gained a soft pink glow. He leaned against France in fatigue "you're nice" he muttered tiredly France smiled as it only took a few seconds for the little cinnamon bun to fall right to sleep. She wrapped an arm around him.

"You're nice too"


Wow, this took WAY longer to write than I expected.

It looks like Germany has been distracted from thinking about his father...

...For now *maniacal laughter*

I dont know if I'm going to continue this or not.

Word count: 1031

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