Lisa Mishima: Prologue

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Is Nine really going to destroy the whole world?

Are we all going to die from the atomic bomb?

Those were my questions the night Sphinx number one made his last announcement to everyone.

We were raised not knowing our parents in that dark institution.

Even after we escaped, we were always alone, just the two of us.

He and I...

Neither one of us was ever needed by anyone before.

That's why...

Thank you, Lisa...

I'm glad I met you.

That was what Twelve said.


The sky exploded.

Everything went dark.

The green aurora was left in the sky.

Tokyo seemed deserted without its usual lights and noise the next day.

But it didn't matter to me.

I was with Twelve.

And we went back to the Settlement to meet with Nine.

We saw him put a mark for Five at their made up graveyard for all those taken by Athena.

Then we played a game.

Nine listened to a couple of songs from the cold land.

Twelve was his usual self.

We were having a great time.

Maybe it was even the best of our lives.

Maybe it was the best of their lives.

As the sun set, Detective Shibazaki arrived with hope and understanding in his hand.

But hope was like water.

It spilled from his hands when the helicopters came.

I saw Twelve get shot from his back and through his heart right in front of my eyes.

I watched Nine cry over his bleeding body and saw his determination to end everything with their last card.

A bomb hidden somewhere in a nuclear powerplant.

Then, Detective Shibazaki tried to reason with him.

Nine listened.

But he couldn't save him.

The headache took over his mind and he was at his limit.


Remember us...


...that we lived.

I could still feel the strain to our, Detective Shibazaki and I, bodies after we dug their graves.

I could still feel the pain I had when we had to bury them too soon.

After that, we put the same kind of markers the others have for them.

Today, exactly three years have passed and...

Detective Shibazaki and I still remember them.

As if it was just yesterday.

5, 9, 12... Drink. (A Zankyou No Terror Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now