Chapter One: Project VON

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I woke up the same way I did ever since I discovered that the books about other places aside from the Settlement was real.

I stretched a bit, sat up on my bed and fixed my hair. I walked over to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and washed my face. I exit my room and, still sleepy, made my way towards the kitchen.

"Kichi!" I shouted while yawning as I turned around the corner.

A guy with short snow like hair looked at me while he was casually leaning on the kitchen counter, nibbling on a piece of toast.

"Hey. You're up early." I greeted as I looked at the silver watch on my wrist that I never take off. "Did you have headaches?"

He shook his and and offered me the other piece of toast on his plate. "I was... Distracted."

I tilted my head to the side as I quirked my eyebrow. "Distracted?"

He took his time drinking his apple juice so I took the toasted bread and sat on the counter beside him. I suddenly got a whiff of his body soap and shampoo finally fully waking up my senses.

"Distracted and going somewhere without me?" I asked again as I put the toast down without biting it. "You're not leaving me, are you?"

I hopped off the counter and stood in front of him. He was wearing his usual white polo long sleeves and red stripped shirt, favorite gray skinny jeans and black boots while I'm still wearing my chibi-anime characters pajamas with my panda bear plush slippers. If it comes to going outside the house to stop him from leaving, I better swallow my pride now.

"One day, I'll just be gone and you won't ever get the chance to ask me that question anymore." He ruffled his hair and stretched up his long arms giving me a moment to be distracted as his shirt lifted up and gave me a peak to his abs. "You've been asking that question for seven years now. Aren't you tired of it yet?"

I sighed as his shirt fell back to its place and looked at his apple-green eyes. "I just don't want to be alone Kichi..."

"If you don't want to be alone, then stop calling me Kichi." He said as he picked up the toast I didn't eat and start nibbling it.

He doesn't want to forget who we really are. Even though most of the trauma should have been his, I was the one who wanted to forget about everything.

"Thirteen." I called out to him which made him look up to me seriously. "Tell me what's on your mind."

He gave me his leftover toast, wiped his hands and pulled out his phone. He typed and concentrated looking for something on it so I chewed the toast not because of hunger but just to have something to do as I feel butterflies in my stomach.

I put the last big piece of toast in my mouth as he turned his phone around in his hands so I could see what he did.

"I'm Sphinx Number One."

I almost choked on the toast in my mouth.

"I'm Sphinx Number Two, and I love explosions."

My heart stopped beating.

"Did you enjoy the fireworks at the Tokyo government office?"

I wanted to drink water but I can't move.

"Those were from our handmade bombs."

My breath hitched and I choked on my emotions.

"Kururin worked hard too!"

"But this is only the beginning."

"We plan to set the bomb in the near future...."

I stared at the guy in front of me with horrified eyes.

"Are they out of their minds?" I suddenly yelled at him without finishing the video.

He was obviously surprised at how I reacted.

He must have been expecting something else other than this.

"They're finally doing it." He smirked. "Project VON is now on going."

"Kichirou, don't get yourself caught up in all of these. Please..." I said as I gripped his hand tight.

"Stop calling me that." He took his hand away from my grip and held his head as if he's in pain caused by his headaches. "I was never named until I was called Thirteen. It wasn't even a name for me. It was a label. Like I was some kind of a rat to be tested on. Kichirou is just a role I'm playing."

He looked at me with his apple-green eyes wild with emotions. "Never forget that Twenty-six."

I had to take a step back as he called me by my number. He never called me that since the day we were given new identities... He's serious about joining Nine and Twelve.


"Shut up." He said as he stood up straight and composed himself. "As soon as I find them, I'll leave. As long as I'm still here, I'll pretend that we're normal people. But you should never meddle with my work. Satisfied?"

Hearing his words, I felt confused and thankful at the same time. "You haven't found them yet?"

He looked at me with unashamed irritation. "I thought I just said don't meddle?"

"I'm just surprised since-"

"Since based on the tests given to us during The Athena Plan, I always had the highest ratings?" He walked out of the room and sat on the couch in our living room. "Yes, I might have gotten all the great traits but remember, with hacking and technology, I was only third in place while Nine was second."

He took his laptop off the table and started typing. "They uploaded the video using an anonymity software called Tor. I've been trying to get their IP but I always come back to my own. Do you think you can help me out?"

Him asking if I can help wasn't just a simple question.

It was actually an indirect insult to me.

He wasn't always like this. He's funny, caring, friendly and kind most of the time. But when he remembers how he hates all the people involved with why we live the way we're living... He changes in to this.

I clenched my hands and bit my lip as I tried not to cry. He was busy with his codes so I quietly left the room.

"Sato..." He whispered the name I was given. "It'll be better for you not to watch the news today."

I didn't answer not because I was mad at him. I wasn't able to answer because tears already spilled from my eyes.

Thirteen still cares about the plan.

Nine and Twelve won't kill anyone in the plan.

But I, Twenty-six, will feel all the pain the plan will cause.

(Author's Notes! <3)

I hope you liked this!
You guys don't know how much my feels are killing me.
ZNT might be my most favorite anime no matter how many haters it got.
Because I'm desperate for more ZNT.

Please vote and comment! Thank you...


I don't own the anime and the characters involved in this fanfic but all other original characters and the storyline is all my idea and effort so please don't copy or translate without my permission.

Peace out everyone.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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