Always Call

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Psalms 105:1
Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; Make known His deeds among the peoples.

It was maybe July or August in 2020. My lola was diagnosed with shingles. At the very first time she felt the shooting pain in her lower left abdomen, we thought it was an appendicitis. We weren’t sure if it was really an appendicitis so we took her to the clinic—two clinics in total, but the doctors just gave her a wrong medicine.

Her pain didn’t cure. Every night, she was hissing due to the shooting pain in her lower left abdomen. There were just two of us in the house and whenever the shooting pain attacks her, I have nowhere to run.

We don’t have any neighbor since we are living in a secluded place plus, the pain only occurred during evening—either passed eleven or twelve.

Sleepless nights, teary eyes, and fear of losing my grandma were the only things I have that time. She even told me to take care of my brother as if she’s leaving. I cried that time and almost lost my mind. What ifs were running inside my head.

What if she will leave me and my brothers, who would be the one to take care of us? She’s the only person we have who became our guardian and parents, ergo, I’m so scared to lose her.

I have nowhere to go, only to God. I cried and always ask Him to heal my grandma. I even asked Him to just transfer my grandma’s illness to me. I really prayed to Him that multiple times.

Then one day, when I woke up from my short nap, my uncle came saying, someone suggested him a good doctor and they immediately took my gradma there. I was left alone, hoping that they would know what was her real illness.

Just a few hours, they have finally returned home. Uncle then told me that she has a shingles. He told me that the doctor said, the shingles will heal about three weeks and he then instructed me about how many times will my gradma drink her medicine.

Few days had passed, the shooting pain is slowly getting better even her rashes. I thanked God so much for His mercy. Until three or maybe four weeks had passed. Her illness finally healed. I cried to God, thanking Him for being good to me despite the sins I have made. I thanked Him for always being there whenever I need Him. I thanked Him for His kindness.

I indeed agree that prayers work and God is great because I’m one of the witness. I won’t also stop in calling for Jesus’ Name because He is the only way why God answered my prayers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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