𝟏𝟐. ✭ 𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐘 ✭

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Okay... so drugging Dani had not been one of my best ideas. Then again, Brooks being a trained military assassin, a god damn special operations marine, wasn't part of the negotiation that we'd made. It was only because she thought he was some defenseless loser who could only wield a frying pan in the kitchen that I'd agreed to take him with us. Bringing him back to New York was a big fat fucking hell no now.

After watching the way Dani had cried because she felt betrayed by the male version of Harley Quinn I'd made up my mind. No other person was going to put her through what I put her through. Watching Dani cry had sealed the deal on that— Brooks wasn't part of our plan. Well, he'd never been part of it. No, he'd wake right back up in the apartment we'd spent the rest of our night in.

After I'd dropped Brooks off in his apartment I'd driven back to the jet and given the pilots the go ahead to take off. Dani had been knocked out in the bedroom for the duration of the flight. The dose that I'd given her would have her in much the same way for the next few hours, thankfully. I'm not particularly looking forward to the rage that's going to be aimed at yours truly when she does wake up.

I pull up to the familiar, and a tad bit grandiose, house glad to know the Mrs. isn't home. The door swings open and a large, tatted male walks out with a glare that eventually turns into a wide grin. I step out of the car, giving him much the same. "Boston, how the fuck are you?" I give him a hand shake and then pull him in for a quick embrace.

"Well, I was doing alright until I got your phone call." He looks into my backseat to see Dani knocked out cold. "You call me after I don't even know how fucking long asking me to watch some stranger? Bring her into my home? What the hell do you think Monica is going to have to say about that?"

I spear a hand through my hair. "Listen, this is my ex-girlfriend. She got a little shit-faced on the jet and then passed out. She's going to be out for the next few hours and I was hoping we could crash here for a night before heading out in the morning."

"Why the fuck are you even in Vegas anyway? You haven't been here since your last session." He's referring to my ever-growing back tattoo. The one that reminds me of just how many souls I've claimed while on the job. It reminds me of who I've had to become over these past few years.

"I... uhm..." I wanted to throw Brooks off the scent for a day just in case he came looking. "I wanted to see family since it's been a good while. Dad asked me to stop in since I used one of the family jets. So... here I am." He nods his head in understanding. "I was actually hoping to do that once we get Dani situated." The sooner the better to get it over with.

"Okay, that's all good and great but what if she wakes up and you're not here? She's probably going to freak the fuck out, Tor. She's in a different state and in some stranger's house. How do you think she's going to respond? Especially to a stranger who looks like me?" He gestures up and down his muscular tattooed form. He's covered in ink. From beneath his jaw to his toes he has tattoos everywhere.

"Well, she's fucked, sucked, and woken up to this." I wave a hand over myself.  "Probably not going to be a surprise if you tell her you are my best friend."

He lets out a hearty sigh. "Fine. Bring her in. Top floor, the room all the way in the back."

"What about the one on the first?" Since it'd be a hell of a lot easier to carry Dani to that one.

"We've turned that into the nursery."

"Ah, that's right. Monica is due soon, right?"

"Yeah, less than a month now."

"I can't wait to see her. I miss that sassy girl."

"I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you too. Drunk ex-girlfriend and all..." He gives me a pointed look telling me he knows she's going to be anything but thrilled. "Get her inside. Put her to bed and make the trip to see your parents quick. I'd prefer you be here to soften the blow of Monica's hormonal rage."

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