Chapter 6

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~Edited 14.08.21~

Izukus POV

I was standing up like everyday. My hole body was very sore and hurted like hell after yesterdays beating and some wounds were still bleeding. As well as the cuts on my arms.  But i still made my way to the bathroom, where i patched myself up again.

 Then i ran downstars, where i made breakfast for my parents. I was so hungry by now. I haven't eaten in 1 and a half week. I tried to grab myself a carrot from my parents food, but a hand held mine. 

"Getting unallowed food now, are we?" my father asked.

 I had never been caught by doing that. I needed to do it, so i would survive, but i never got caught. 

So i was scared, what would happen.

I only looked down.

TW Abuse

 Then my father slapped me.

But i knew that this wasn't over. He dragged me down the stairs and then threw me on the ground of the basement. He stood above me and started to beat my.

 Punches, kickes, whips, burns.

"Go to your stupid class, i have better things to do. We will end this later." my father said and left. 

I could bearly stand up. How long had this beating going on? I don't know. I always lose track of time. I dragged myself to my room, where i collapsed on the ground. I quickly looked at the clock. 


I stood up, got my laptop ready and set down while i was thinking about an excuse. Not just for being late, also for the big bruise on my face.

Then i joined the conferencecall.

Aizawa: Nice from you to join us aswell, problem child.

Todoroki: Midoriya, were did this big bruise on your face came from?

Iida: Yeah, it's concerning.

Aizawa: Mind telling us your new excuse for being late.

Me: Well, i was going on a walk this morning and then got into a little acident and was hit in the face. And then i got home a lot later.

Bakugo: Hah, that only happens to you, does it?

Everybody else: ...

Me: What?

Todoroki: Who does it come that always you get into trubel, Midoriya?

Me: Good question, Todoroki, but i have no idea. I've been asking myself that for quite a long time aswell.

Aizawa: Please stay behind after class, Midoriya.

Me: Will do, Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa POV

When i joined the classconference, i noticed that nearly everybody was there so i started the lesson.

 After a few minutes i checked the presents because some just always come to late. I noticed that problem child was missing. It happend a lot lately that he comes to late.

Is he okay? 

Well, i guess i will wait till he arrives.

After 1 hour problem child joined the conference. Everybody noticed the big bruise on his face. He just gave an excuse that he got in a fight or something, but if he would have, i would have been informed immediatley. And i wasn't informed of anything like that. And the bruise doesn't look like something you would get in a fight.

 Could it be ...

I will just ask him after class. So i asked him to stay back after class and he agreed.

~Timeskip end of class~

Me: So everybody you can leave now and problem child you stay here.

I could see that he didn't feel really comftable because of that but he didn't disobeyed. 

Me: So, mind telling me how you really got that big bruise on your face.

Izuku: It's like i said when i joined the call. I got into a fight and-...

Me: I know you didn't. I would have gotten any info about that. So tell me: What happend. No matter what happend, I am not mad at you.

Izuku: You wouldn't understand.

He looked away from the screen. Then i heared yelling.

Izukus POV

When class ended i stayed behind like Aizawa ordered me to. He wanted to know what really happend to my face, so i started repeating the lie, i made up for it but he cut me off.

Aizawa: I know you didn't. I would have gotten any info about that. So tell me: What happend. No matter what happend, I am not mad at you.

For a second. Just one single second i thought about it but then i just threw it away again. I just said very dry: " You wouldn't understand." Because he wouldn't. Nobody would. 

Then i heared the yelling of my father.

FUCK. I forgot the time. I should have been downstairs and let my father beat me. I heared his loud footsteps comeing closer to my door. I am so screwed.

Aizawa: Who was that, problem child?

Me: I am sorry, but i have to go.

With that i left the call, drove down my laptop and quickly hid it again. I had just put it away as my father burst threw my door. 

Fuck. Well, let's say goodbye to life, shall we?

I knew when my father is mad but now he was radiating with rage and anger. He is going to kill me. He went closer to me and i backed away. He was screaming things at me but my ears where completly shut down for it.

Then everything went black.

Aizawas POV

I asked problem child who that was and he just said he needed to go and then he was gone. 

What was that?!

The voice was male. And older. Like me or a little older. And it sounded angry.

But who would be at problem childs house. From All Might i know that his father left problem child and his mother. 

What if...

What if he came back?

Could it be that he is abusiv?

I need to go there. Quickly. If it's true and his father is abusiv and angry then very bad things could happen.



Sorry that i haven't been updating but i was kinda occupied but i hope this helps a little.

I hope you liked the chapter.

Untill the next one.

Your A/N

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