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JustYourOldLaundry this extra chappie is for you ;)

Noel's worse fear had taken form.

It has been around two years since he came in this world. Bluebeard had spent most of his time with Noel. He had expected Elizabeth Bluebeard to be safe.

However, the news of her sickness had travelled all over the kingdom.

He had heard about the curse of the Bluebeard family but he didn't believe it. He knew it was a cover up for all the murders Bluebeard committed.

Doctors from far and near were called to treat Elizabeth but none of them were successful. He was informed that she was at her death bed now.

Noel sneaked a look at Bluebeard who was looking at the chessboard thoughtfully. They were in Bluebeard's study playing chess.

"I must say, Mr.James you are exceptionally good at chess." Bluebeard mused, snapping Noel out of his thoughts.

"You are too kind with your compliments," Noel smiled.

Bluebeard reached for his chess piece and made a move, "You should accept my compliments, I do not give them away easily."

"Sure enough, you are a man of taste," Noel entertained Bluebeard playfully and leaned towards the chess board to make his move, "But my lord, you seem to have lost your focus today because—" Noel picked his white queen up and knocked away Bluebeard's black King,"—you forgot to protect your king. Checkmate."

"Elizabeth's sickness has me got worried," Bluebeard lied, as he picked up the chess pieces and started to put them away," "It has been more than two years and she is getting weaker."

"My condolences are with you," Noel said. He still wouldn't figure out how to save Elizabeth. The Faerie Incorporated doesn't allow it's host to conduct surveillance and without it, it's impossible to gather information. So, Noel has no option than to stick close with Bluebeard.

These two years had gone too quickly for Noel. There wasn't a single day that passed without him seeing Bluebeard.

Noel stopped calculating the affection and obsession rate between him and Bluebeard because it always made him on edge and lose focus.

"Thank you for accompanying me during this hard times," Bluebeard said, "however, let us not talk about such sad matters, do you have any happy news to share?"

Noel shook his head.

"I am sorry, my lord but I am afraid I don't have any good news for you," Noel said.

Bluebeard smiled,"It's okay."

He placed a hand on Noel's back as a friendly gesture and felt Noel flinched against the touch.

"Did you father again..." Bluebeard frowned.

"It doesn't matter," Noel said, with a shake of his head.

"It does matter," Bluebeard gritted out, his anger rising each second.

Bluebeard had forgave Alistair James the first time, for beating Noel and punished him lightly by refusing to sign a business contract.

Still, the foolish man continued to harm Noel no matter what. However, inside his twisted heart, Bluebeard enjoyed those times because Noel depended on him. Noel leaned his bare body against his as Bluebeard applied medicine on those wounds.

Bluebeard relished in those thoughts.

"Please remove you coat and shirt whistle I bring some medicine for your wounds," Bluebeard instructed and walked out of the room.

Anger bubbled inside Bluebeard as he held a shaking Noel against his chest and applied soothing  ointment against the whiplashes adoring Noel's back.

Bluebeard lightly brushed his fingertips against the red marks but withdrew them when Noel whimpered.

"Does it hurt?" He softly ask.

Bluebeard felt Noel nod weakly against his chest.

Noel's small figure made Bluebeard pull him closer against his chest and he pressed a soft kiss against the warm shoulder. Noel gasped against the kiss but Bluebeard just snaked his arm around Noel and held him tightly.

"Lo-lord Bluebeard?"

Bluebeard hummed and rested his chin on Noel's bare shoulder and glance down at the red whiplashes.

"I promise, I will make your pain go away."

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