The Princess Always Wins (Option 4)

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He's already sitting by me, and he side hugs me to show his approval.

"Ta for choosing correctly, love." He winks.

This man does everything in his power to make me blush, I swear...

"You don't have to worry about anything, darling. I'll be your good lucky charm for this game, ok?"

He slowly and politely explains the rules to me, helping me choose what to play and complimenting me every time I make a good move.

"You're pretty good at this, sweetheart."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. I just started!"

"Ah, but you're learning, and that's what matters, darling."

Many sweet gestures and moves later, Paul and I win. He gently kisses me on the cheek. "You did great, Y/N."

John pouts. "How predictable! Whenever I stop cheating, the princess always wins!"

"Not always! In fact, I haven't won the past few times we've played this."

"But you're still our Princess Paulie."

Paul sighs. "That's never going away..."

For these, I had to look up what card game the Beatles were playing in A Hard Day's Night, since I never knew and because it would help write this. Apparently, they're playing Euchre, a card game commonly played in Britain. It helped to know but I read the rules and it sounded complicated so I kept it simple 🙂

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