Chapter 2

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We walked most of the way in silence, until we were close to home and I exploded right in his face. "I can't believe you did that!"
"What?" He looked at me baffled like a toddler who was robbed of his sucker. "You let that girl insult me and didn't say anything."
"You had everything under control. And she didn't really insult you."
"Oh, right. You did! You called me an elephant."
Tony took my hand and pulled me with him. "You know it wasn't meant like that. I don't see why you're throwing a fit now. You never liked soccer. When did that change?"
"Today. Now I love it."
"Yeah, I can see that. So badly that you want to be a player." He rolled his eyes. "Please, tell me you're not doing this because of Cloey."
I'm doing it for you, idiot. But it would have taken more than a crazy afternoon to tell him that. I gritted my teeth. "The girl can get lost in her closet full of Barbie dresses."
Suddenly, his arm was wrapped around my shoulders, and he pulled me close to his side as we walked on. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're jealous of her."
"We have been best friends since we grew out of our diapers " I moaned, being slightly comforted by his embrace.
"And I promise we'll still be when we need them again." His laugh rocked me with him. "Cloey is just a girl who likes to play soccer. But you're the only girl I know who can watch E.T. without bursting in tears."
Even though there was this obvious note of admiration, I couldn't help but feel a chill sneaking around my heart the way he said it. Like I was one of the guys and not a delicate girl like Cloey. I wiggled out of his embrace, and a snort escaped me.
Tony quirked his brows. "What?"
"Are you mad at me?"
"No," I grumbled.
He waited a second, eying me with skepticism. "Okay. Is this one of those moments where you say no but actually mean yes?"
He slapped his hands to his face then slowly dragged them down, glancing helplessly at the sky. "You know I don't speak this language.just tell me your problem."
"There is no problem!" I ran up the patch towards my house, slamming the door behind me.

Shortest chapter ever! Anyway can you all believe he still doesn't get it O.0

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