Saving Lydia

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Hey guys I'm really really sorry that this took so long, I just started a new job and they have me working so much so I've literally not had a minute to myself. No joke, and when I do get free time I'm just sleeping cause I'm just wrecked
So I'm really sorry, I've days off this week so I'll get the next two seasons done soon, I hope

"Who found them?" Stiles asked as we stepped out of the lift and walked over to his dad just as Parrish left
"Argent. And he said the Doctors were down there. He also said you guys might know what this thing is." Noah looked at us
"We've got a theory" Scott said
"It's a slightly terrifying theory" I added
"Well, the ME said that victims were killed somewhere else and then dumped in those tunnels." The man told us
"Hey, what if the Dread Doctors are hiding the bodies." Scott suggested
"Why would they do that?" Kira asked
"Maybe they're covering for it. Protecting it like a parent would." stiles said
"Protecting what?" Noah asked
"A werewolf" I said
"It's called the Beast" Kira said
"We know. Horrifying" stiles nodded
"We better figure out what we're gonna call Parrish. Because it looks like his dream is coming true" The sheriff said


I was walking around school
'By order of the Sheriff, a county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after-school activities are canceled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day.' The PA said
There were deputies walking around. Stiles stopped one, trying to convince him. And Scott walked over
"You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" stiles asked the deputy
"Your dads the one that issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why" the deputy replied
The three of us shared a look
"Did he says anything unofficially?" Scott asked
"No. But everyone's got a theory" the deputy told us
"What's yours?" I asked
"I shouldn't be talking to you guys. Don't you have class?" He asked us
"Come on, Strauss. What's your theory?" Stiles asked
He looked at the two deputies closest to us and stepped closer
"Do you guys believe in the supernatural?" He asked
I looked at the two boys, holding back a laugh.


Scott went to follow Liam. While I went to Eichen with Remus to see Lydia.
I sat behind the boy as he took Lydias hand in his.
"Your teachers, uh, gave us some of the stuff you guys have been working on. They wanted us to hold on to it for you. I saw something about the, uh, Riemann Hypothesis. Um, things like, nontrivial zeros, zeta functions and a lot of other stuff that goes totally over my head" he said to her chuckling
It hurt me to see my best friend like this. Completely motionless. The usual bubbly girl, reduced to staring at the ceiling
"Maybe you can wake up and explain it to me?" He asked hopeful
He still held her hand "oh, come on, Lydia. You have to come back to us. There's no way we're getting through this without you." he stuttered making my heart hurt for him
"Lydia you have to wake up" I whispered too

"I think that's enough" Mrs. Martin stole our attention from the door
"Remus. Skylar" she said sternly
Slowly Remus let go of her hand and went to stand, but I noticed something on my friends head
"Wait a second, what is this?" I caught my brothers attention back moving the girls hair to show a shaved section of her head
"What are they doing?" Remus asked the woman
"Alright, you need to go" she said walking over
"They shaved her head" I said shocked
"Look at it. Did you... did you know about this? What are they gonna do? Drill a hole into her head?" Remus asked defensively
"Are you crazy?" The woman replied
She pat her daughters cheek "it's for E-C-T. Electroconvulsive therapy. They shave small portions of the scalp. It's fine under general anesthesia and it's perfectly safe." she explained
"Look at her Remus, Skylar . She's my daughter. You don't think I'm trying everything I can to bring her out of this?" The worried woman said.
I could feel her anger building
"No, no, no, that's not E-C-T" I said

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