Convention: Part 1

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@mishacollins Who's ready for Van-Con 2018 next week? Let's make @Alex8Calvert's first memorable, shall we?😉🤫

52 RT | @PenAckles@jarpad and 17,234 others liked


@PenAckles it's SPN convention time again peeps!!!😁😁😁

@user1 I'm going to be there! So excited!!!😁
»» @user3 Me too!
»» @user1 @user3 we should meet up!
»» @user3 @user1👌

@jarpad We're going to do the thing we discussed that one time to him right??? @mishacollins @JensenAckles @Alex8Calvert
»» @mishacollins of course!
»» @JensenAckles you know I'm in!
»» @PenAckles you guys are terrible uncles! This is why Uncle Dick is my favorite!
»» @user2 J2M is planning to do something to Alex! 😏

@DanneelHarris so excited to finally meet my Penny girl's boy😉 @PenAckles @Alex8Calvert
»» @genpadalecki me too!
»» @Alex8Calvert excited to meet you guys too! @DanneelHarris @genpadalecki

@dicksp8jr @RobBenedict and I can't wait to host!
»» @RobBenedict ^^^

@user4 no1 cares about it being his first con. it's a lot of peoples first. smh
»» @user5 @user4 get off social media! u don't have 2 hate on every post!

@user5 So sad I won't be there to witness #penalex in action😭
»» @PenAckles aww im sorry @user5😢
»» @Alex8Calvert sending hugs @user5🤗

@ACoop21 Come back 2 me @Alex8Calvert😘🤟
»» @user1 who the hell is this??
»» @user4 OMG!!! I love ur music and I loved u and Alex 2gether😍
»»@user7 yaaas! get back 2gether w/ her @Alex8Calvert
»» @user5 Who are you and why are you trying to break up my ship??? #penalex



[Uncle Dick😇 and Lucky Penny🎼]

Lucky Penny🎼

Uncle Dick😇
What's up??

Lucky Penny🎼
i have an idea
but i don't know if i want 2 follow through...

Uncle Dick😇
Well, what's your idea?

Lucky Penny🎼
im thinking about

Uncle Dick😇

Lucky Penny🎼
i want to sing
at the convention
one of my og songs

Uncle Dick😇
You're sure??

Lucky Penny🎼
... no
that's y i texted u
im scared ill chicken out

Uncle Dick😇
No chickening allowed.
You're singing!

Lucky Penny🎼

Uncle Dick😇
No buts!
You're singing!
End of discussion!
Pick out a song.
I'll put you on the schedule.

Lucky Penny🎼

Uncle Dick😇
You need to stop that.
I don't understand it...

Lucky Penny🎼
what if they hate me?

Uncle Dick😇
Penelope Reese Ackles!
You are an amazing singer!
They will love you!

Lucky Penny🎼
thx uncle dick
and please don't tell uncle jensen

Uncle Dick😇
Any time, Penny girl!
And I won't!

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