The Surprise

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Elliot's P.O.V

I walked up to the house, 1329 Prescott street. I knocked on the door and a lady about 40 opened the door. "Hello? Are you one of Wyatt's friends?" She asks "Uh...No actually i'm here to see Phoebe," I said. She gave me a confused look "Sh-she dosen't live here anymore but can i ask who's looking for her?" She sttuters "Her son." she looked astonished and invited me in and yelled out "Coop!" There was a pink outline of a man and a woman "You called,Piper" Coop said "Is there something wrong?" the woman that just appeared asked. "Wait if I was talking to aunt Piper that would make you mom." I said Coop and Phoebe's mouths dropped "Son?!? I never had a son...wait. Oh my god." Phoebe said as she clutched her forehead. "How old are you? What have you been doing all this time? Why haven't you come to me sooner? Oh, I have so many questions."  "18,Taking care of charges,I didn't know what i would do or say." "How have you been taking charges your half demon" Piper said. "My whitelighter...she was protecting me and died and the elders thought that since i'm such a powerful force of good that i should take on some charges." I explained "Okay then. I think you should meet the rest of the family. P.J.,Parker,Penelope." Phobe called and the same way she and Coop came in three figures came in "Just wait girls. Wyatt,Chris,Melinda ,Leo" Piper called as her three kids and her husband Leo came down the stairs "Now all we're missing is Paige. Paige! Bring the kids! Paige!" Piper yelled. Then 4 figures appeared in orbs. "What is it, I had to leave early said it was a "Family emergency" haven't had one those in a while."Paige said "This is you remember when Cole was the source and phoebe was pregnant? We-well this is the baby boy." Piper explained. "And he's been taking charges because the elders thought it was a good idea, they just ddin't think it was a good idea to tell us about him. Did I miss anything"  "My name is Elliot but that's it." I replied "Well then, Wyatt,Chris,Melinda,Henry,Kat,Tamora This is your cousin," Leo explained "and P.J.,Parker,Penelope this is your Half-Brother" I waved "How did you survive I thought you know vanquished with the seer." Paige asked "Well the source's heir has alot of powers," I said "Well what can you do?"Wyatt asked "Well I can do this," I said as I teleported in flames over to the door "And i can freeze and blow things up, and i have telekinesis, and i can conjure things. Oh, i can also heal people" I told him "Have you learneed how to create energy balls yet?" I asked Wyatt. He shook his head "Here i'll can show you, you guys should come too. So the adults can talk." I said as i walked up the stairs.

Phoebe's P.O.V

"What do you think we should do about him?" Paige asks me, "I don't know, are we gonna let him stay? If we do are you okay with this Paige?" I say to her. "Yeah, I have an extra room he can stay in." She replies "And Coop are you okay...with this."I said "Yeah, I think it'd be good to have an older kid." Coop told me. "Alright then it's settled. Elliot!" I yelled. He flamed down to us "Yes?" "We've decided to let you stay, if you want" I said. He grinned "Of course I want to stay, this is going to be amazing!"

(I know this was short and probably not that interesting but it will be interesting)

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