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Previously on Renegades:

Jason breathed. Now he could ask the questions he'd been wanting to ask. Now he could finally learn more about Caliber. Learn her intentions.

"Just a few questions. I'll ask after you've bought me my burger. Lead the way ma'am."

Caliber gave him a toothy grin and strut passed him. She stopped suddenly to turn around and speak.

"You're affiliated with the Bat, right? How's a Bat Burger sound?"

"It's food, I don't care. And please don't use me and him in the same sentence." Jason spoke monotone.

Caliber gave a fake gasp, "Does Red Hood have daddy issues?"


"Ha ha you're funnier than I originally thought, Hood. I may just have to get your number."

"Get me my burger and we'll see." He laughed.


The journey to the eatery was a quiet one. Both walking in comfortable silence disregarding the bustle of late night traffic and whispers from the alleyways.

Halfway there the two ran into a pair of people in an alleyway. A man and woman. Before something bad could happen Caliber had stepped in and pulled the man off the young lady, telling her to run home. Jason watched Caliber take the man by his collar and slam him into a dumpster and casually close the lid on top of him afterwards. Jason had to stifle a laugh. 

Approaching the restaurant, Caliber removed her mask, giving Jason quite a shock. He was instantly perplexed by the woman once more, and was beginning to think they weren't as similar has he previously thought.

I mean, never, in Jason's entire career as Red Hood or Robin, has anyone ever revealed their identity just because. It was startling.

Jason was in deep thought as they walked through the doors. In Gotham, seeing a vigilante or two walk into places like Starbucks or McDonald's was not an uncommon occurrence. Any long-term resident of Gotham was used to bloody Crime-fighters walking into Walmart to purchase some Band-aids and a Monster.

So it was no problem for the two to mosey into the joint and order some food. Heck, they may even get a discount for being heroes (Probably not, neither of them were the Big Bat anyway but a man can dream).

The restaurant was practically empty, except for a scrawny old man with a fluffy white beard seated in the back. Jason had quickly dubbed him "Santa on a diet" and chucked at his own joke. This caused Caliber to shoot him a confused glance and for him to snicker even louder.

She raised an eyebrow but shrugged off his giggling. They both briefly ordered their food and sat down at a booth. At first the silence between the two vigilantes was tense but eventually they faded into slow conversation of polite greetings and simple questions. Jason was comfortable with the woman. He found that she was a lot like him in many ways; Tough exterior mixed with sly, sometimes dirty, jokes and a simple love for her job and Gotham. 

"So how long have you lived in Gotham?" Caliber asked Jason, swiftly popping a fry into her mouth. 

"I was born here, never left."

She nodded thoughtfully at his statement.

"Me too, but you know what? I don't think I've ever heard anyone answer that question differently," She sighed. 

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