Break of Dawn

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She woke up in the darkness of the night, the moon shining brightly above. Her eyes fluttered open, only to close right after in pain. Her head was throbbing painfully as if she had gone pub crawling the night before. That did not make much sense, as she basically hadn't partied since the whole world pandemic shit started. She hissed and cursed under her breath. "What the fuck?!"

She opened her eyes once more, and as she took the forest around her; she froze in shock. The last thing she remembered was a white light, and loud noise. She sat up and glanced around once more. She was in a forest in the middle of the night, this was weird. How had she ended up here? Was she kidnapped? Roofied?

She quickly looked down and let out a sigh. Thank god she still had her clothes on. She noticed that she was wearing black skinny jeans with a pair of black boots and frowned, she did not recognize the clothes she was wearing. She had a red jacket on, also not hers. What exactly was going on?

She wanted to get up, but her head was buzzing, and her neck was aching. The weirdest thing was her teeth, they felt weird. As soon as she felt her teeth, she noticed she was hungry. Not just a little, more like I will murder for a Big Tasty with chips kind of hungry.

She just sat there for a full-on minute staring into space, not really understanding what the fuck was her life until she forced herself up. She dusted her clothes lazily, and as she passed her fingers through her hair she stopped. She carefully moved her hair so she could see it better in the moonlight, and honestly to God let out a shriek. "Where the hell did this hair come from?!"

She had cut her hair a few months back, it should reach her shoulders and be blonde. Instead, she had long reddish-brown hair with curls, this was not her hair. She pulled it, just to be sure, and let out a groan. Ok, this was also not a wig, and It did not feel like extensions. If her headache hadn't been killing her, she would be freaking out right now.

"Ok, ok... breathe Sofia." She whispered to herself, massaging her forehead slowly. "You are in the woods, in the middle of the night, wearing not only clothes that aren't yours but also hair that isn't yours. There's got to be an explanation."

The headache was not going away, but she needed an answer and she wasn't going to figure out what the hell was going on in the middle of the forest. She focused on walking, deciding on a random direction hoping to find civilization. She needed a phone, a shower, and a burger.

As she walked, she realized a few things and none of them calmed her down

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As she walked, she realized a few things and none of them calmed her down. First, she could see perfectly in the dark. It was weird because even with the moonlight she shouldn't be able to see everything so perfectly. She had never seen so clearly in her whole life, so doing it in the dark... strange. Second, she realized she was smaller than she used to be. That was weird, she did not really understand how one could shrink like that. Third, her sense of smell was way better than before. She was sure she should not be able to smell the rabbit about twenty meters away either.

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