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Hope Mikaelson was born in tragedy, or at the very least in a supernatural version of a classic tragedy. Since the moment she was conceived she was targeted for what she was and for who her family was. Her mother, just moments after her birth, got her throat slashed by a coven of lunatic witches. If that is not a tragic birth, she does not know what is.

They called her Hope because she was the hope of the Original family. They had hope that she would be their light, that she would have a better life than they had and that, unlike them, she would be better... good. Her mom raised her with morals so that she should always thrive to do the right thing even if sometimes that was the hardest choice.

Still, she was a Mikaelson and that came with the knowledge that family was all, that it was above all. So, to protect her family and the ones she loved she would compromise her morals, she would do wrong things for the right reasons. That put her in conflict with herself sometimes, because she was Hope and she was meant to be good and to do good.

Every time she deviated from that path, whenever she was selfish or let her emotions get the better of her someone would be there to tell her not to act like a Mikaelson. Most of the time it was Alaric, telling her that she was acting like her father. She was a Mikaelson, what did he expect exactly?

The truth was it did not really matter, being good or bad when you were Hope Mikaelson always lead to tragedy. She was selfish and pretended to get her mom kidnapped so her dad would come home, and her mom got kidnapped for real. She tried to right her wrongs, save her mom, but lost her mom instead.

Her dad, the so-called Great Evil, Niklaus Mikaelson, tried to protect his family and save his daughter and in the end thousand years of knowledge could not help him. He sacrificed himself for her, and her uncle Elijah joined him. The rest of the family lived but they missed them too. Hope came back to the school mostly because she felt like she was a reminder of their sacrifice when she was with the rest of the family.

In the end, good people can do bad things and bad people can do good.

They called her Hope Mikaelson, and her name always felt like her burden to bear, a walking contradiction. But for them, for all those she had lost she would always try to do good, to be better so that they could be proud of her, wherever they were.

That is why when she realized that she was born with the purpose of destroying Malivore, she had no doubts about what she needed to do. She was not a cosmic mistake; she was born with a purpose. She was part of nature keeping the balance, she was the only way to end Malivore.

She was having her 'Harry you're a Horcrux' moment as Lizzie or MG would put it, and much like the hero of that story she knew she had to do it. She too had a saving-people-thing, it came with her doing-good-thing, and most often than not, doing the right thing was the harder choice.

Honestly, she wanted to be selfish and get the fuck out. Grab Landon and run from this stupid pile of black goo called Malivore. But she could not, because from the moment she was conceived she was seen as a destructive demon that would cause pain, chaos, and death and she had to prove them wrong. She had to prove to them, but mostly herself, that she could be a hero.

With that in mind, she cast the mimic spell on Agent Ryan Clarke and jumped into the pit

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With that in mind, she cast the mimic spell on Agent Ryan Clarke and jumped into the pit. If she was going down, that little wanker (as her aunt Bekah would have put it) was going down with her.

They both drowned in the darkness. 


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