Sneaking around

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"Hey- hey!" I clench my stomach as laugher pours out of me so hard I nearly fall off my bed. If Ray hadn't caught me I would have definitely hit my head on the ground. He swiftly pulls me close to him in a quick motion and his face lights up.

Ray leans in for a kiss and I passionately return the gesture, the kiss is deep and last long; both of us only pulling away when we desperately need air. Ray catches his breath, as do I, and a dumb smile is on his face. This is the cutest dumb smile I've ever seen though "Like what ya see?" he giggles at my smitten stare and mocks it. "Not my fault you're the best kisser around and happen to also look good" I shrug my shoulders and can feel my cheeks heat up.

Sure, I've kissed two or so other guys, but no one compares to Ray. He's gentle when needed and intense when needed, it's like he can tell exactly what I want at all times. His lips too; they're always soft and they're perfectly plump. He's anyones ideal make out partner and he's all mine.

Ray snakes his arm around my waist and picks up the make out session once again. The kissing goes from the soft moving of lips to sleazy and sloppy make out with tongue. I can feel him fumbling with the top of my pants as well as the top of my thong. The corners of my lip slowly turn upwards and Ray pulls away once again "Fuck y/n- what do you want to do? Need you."

Before I can say anything back to him and tell him everything I want I hear a knock on my door. Ray and I both look at each other panicked and get off my bed faster then ever, "Uhm, shit, closet!" I shove Ray into my closet as quietly as I can while I'm whisper yelling. Just as Ray closes my closet door another knock on my bedroom door is heard. I open it quickly and see Frank standing outside of it with Gerard and Mikey.

Mentally face palming myself I see Gerard has his car keys in his hand, he shakes them and the three boys smile at me, "mall?". I throw on a pair of uggs quickly and groan as I know saying no would only raise suspicion in them.

As soon as the four of us get in the car I make sure to send Ray a text letting him know it's safe to leave the house now. Normally in a relationship you wouldn't have to sneak around like this, but Ray and I's relationship isn't all that normal.

You see, Frank is my twin brother, and Ray, Mikey and Gerard all are best friends. Frank doesn't know I'm dating one of his best friends, and I plan to keep it like that for a while. He would absolutely kill us if he found out. When he realized I thought Ray was simply attractive he was miserable about it for a week and made my life a living hell. After that I've made sure to successfully conceal any evidence of what Ray and I have going on.


I close my locker gently and slightly jump when I see someone standing at the other side of it. Ray kisses my cheek and I smile, he pulls me in by my waist and showers me with affection, "Ray, what if Frank sees?" I enjoy moments like these, but worry as we can't be too public. "Don't worry, he has English right now, he's at the other side of the building." I nod my head, my lockers in the history wing which is both a floor lower and the opposite side of the building from the English wing.

Ray holds my hand with his right hand, and grabs my books with his left. We turn the corner and who I see makes my heart drop immediately, at this point I don't care about being on time to class, I care about making sure this mother fucker keeps his mouth shut. Ray nearly drops my books when we see him, and he walks right up to us. I pull him to the side of the hallway immediately, "Gerard, I swear to god, if Frank hears about what you saw you're dead. And I mean it!"

Gerard lets out a chuckle and I furrow my brows as I'm getting annoyed now, "Gerard! I mean it!" He puts his hands up in defense and looks back and forth between Ray and I, "Secrets safe with me!" I let out a sigh of relief, "So... what are you two?". Ray and I both roll our eyes, "Boyfriend and Girlfriend."

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