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Hinata POV

I... I cant believe it..he's..he's alive.

Before i knew it Izuru, The Ultimate Hope, Collapsed. He was breathing very heavily and was covered in blood But despite that i ran to where he was and checked his pulse, i sigh in relief as there was but it was weak and felt as if just is Ultimate luck was keeping him alive.

"Hajime!" i look behind me to see makoto running towards me, kyoko right behind him. Soon the others were beside staring at Izuru.

" How is he?"

" hes fine, he has alot of wounds and is breathing heavily but he's fine." I answer as i examine the wounds. they're deep but not life threatening and the blood loss looks pretty bad but he'll live.

"Um not to interrupt or anything baut who is this guy um.. Izuru anyway?" shuichi asked me.

" he is Izuru Kamakura The ultimate Hope, He has every Ultimate in the world like me" i answer technically were the same person but ill leave that out.

" OH! so he's kinda like Makoto right?" Oh yeah shuichi told me this guy-Kaito was an idiot.

" No Me and izuru have all the ultimate talents while makoto became the ultimate Hope because he defeated Junko, The Ultimate despair." i explain and he acts like he gets it but by the fact he's rubbing his neck nervously contradicts my evidence- wait wtf am i talking about?.

" Hey kyoko could you ask the others if they have any cloth or somethin?" Kyoko nodded as i start ripping of Izuru's clothes, seeing all the wounds and scars. Probably from runnung away and getting hit.

I left for a little bit to look for somethin and-There! alchohol..well vodka but whateves its good at disinfecting wounds like real disinfectant. I opened the bottled and poured some on his wounds as kyoko comes back with a cloth saying celeste had one. I thank her and ask Makoto who was next to  me to press the cloth on the biggest wound on Izuru which is his chest. He nods and presses it firmly.

I look at Izuru's face, its covered in dirt and blood, his eye is purple and its swollen. i go closer to his mouth and at first i heard nothing before i heard a shallow breath as I exhale in relief. I sit down and told them he's okay and breathing. They sigh in relief as Kyoko went to tell the others.

Kyoko POV

I stood up and went to tell the others but first celeste.

" celeste could you come with me for a sec?"

'Of course my dear'

me and celeste walk into a room and i couldnt hold it in anymore and just start bawling my eyes out. celeste held me close and start rubbing circles on my back , whispering nothing but good things in my ear. 

it was about few minutes after i started feeling little and celeste started to notice.

Celeste Pov

I start to notice my baby slowly succumbing to her headspace. i smile as she looks up to me smilling and asking for uppies which ofcourse i said yes i mean come on who could say no.

she starts babbling about shuichi being a good detective while i giggle how different she is from her bigself who does nothing but critic shuichi. we were playing until sayaka walked in on us( playing  ya perverts). she was suprised but quickly she smiled softly at kyoko and kneeled down to her level, arms opened as kyoko crawled to her lap and drop her head on sayaka's lap as sayaka started petting her head, kyoko purring quietly.

Celeste chuckled as she went out to tell the others the news.

Narrator's POV

Celeste walked to the group as they look at her, nervous at her answer but they quickly  relaxed as she told them that Izuru is breathing and just needs to rest.

NAgito POV

I was puking my life out as we finally killed all the zombies as byakuya rubbed my back as the finally bit of bile finally left my mouth , i coughed a little as a i stood up. me and byakuya were running to the secret entrance which is about a mile from the actual base because why not be safe. kokichi probably is inside already but meh-

"AH SHIT!" i yell out as zombie nearly bit me which was quickly killed as byakuya shot it in the head tch mister flex. I grumble thank you as we finally made it to the secret entrance. we both pushed the Big blast door open. usually one of us can open it but were both tired from the big wave so we both did it. We quickly closed the door and input the password 11037 which sealed it shut , we started the journey of opening the 10 heavy metal doors and closing them back shut which took about 20 minutes but we made it finally inside.

" took ya guys long enough" Kokichi said as we entered. I grumbled as Byakuya scoffed.

" tch you didnt no-Kichi?!" Byakuya cut himself off as kokichi collapsed, gritting his teeth. I Quickly went to his side and i see a bite mark shit he got bit. 


I had to cliffhanger it because i realized i lost the notes i had and i gotta rewrite them first before i write the next part. hope ya enjoyed bye

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