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Y/n pov:

When we were in the room, since Slo-Mo fell in slow motion, Wild Card said "Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo, you didn't even scrape a knee"

"Dude, it's not something he does on purpose, ya know" I said, even though he annoys me, deep down, I know he's not always that bossy or sassy, I know that he's a good guy, so I like him.......And because he's cute.

"Oh good, just the kind of divisive attitude I've been counting on" said Granada, I won't call her Ms. Granada anymore, my respect for her has decreased ever since we entered the room.

"You kids are just like your parents" said Granada

"You never knew my parents" I murmured

"What was that?" asked Granada

"None of your business" I said, and she shut up because I annoyed her

Guppy went to drink her water, but Granada said "Take away her water" which made me mad, I started making my eyes glow orange, and my hair caught on fire, I also held a little flame on my hand, while the guards took away Guppys water

"You don't scare us" said Granada

"At lease not yet" I said

"They're too powerful together" said Granada, referring to the twins, so a guard pushed Fast Forward away from Rewind, WOW DUDE!

Ojo grabbed onto her iPad

"Oh, don't worry, I won't take away your little toy. I already know what your future is" said Granada

"Defeating you and saving our parents" I murmured

"Shut up. You are being annoying" said Granada

"Oh, does it look like I give a--" I started, then remembered Guppy was here

"Does it look like I care?" I asked, Guppy rolled her eyes

Granada then left and locked the door because she got annoyed by me

"Finally, she's gone, I was about to rip her head off her body" I said

"How were you gonna do that?" asked Wild Card

"I have my anger issues that make me be strong, besides, I could've gained super strength" I said

"If only I knew how to use my powers" Wild Card murmured

"And you will, someday, sometime, maybe even today, or right now, you just gotta believe in yourself" I said, walking over to him

"You have been telling me that, but it didn't work" said Wild Card

"It's because you always try to prove everyone wrong, then rush to try and control your powers, but what you really need to do, is prove yourself right, believe in yourself, and take your time to concentrate" I said, I suddenly felt like Wild Card and I have locked eyes

Wild Card pov:

I feel like I just locked eyes with Y/n, I didn't mind, because it was official to me that I liked her, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't feel the same, besides, I didn't have a very good first impression on her......

"How are we getting out of here?" I heard Guppy ask

"I......Don't know" I heard Missy say, I accidentally blinked and stopped locking eyes with Y/n......Dang it, her eyes were pretty-

"I bet Ms. Granada's been working there for years" said Facemaker

"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president, so they could set a trap for the Heroics" I said

She's Just So Much Like Me! Wild Card X ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora