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A/N: Play this as you read the prologue ;)

January 24 1996 [Atlantic Ocean off NS Norfolk] USS Gato SSN-615 (Surfaced) 17:55 hours

CDR Clarkson: "Here. it's a part of your qualification for command." The commanding officer of the boat said as he hands his XO a tobacco  

XO Richards: "Can't say I cannot deny this skipper." He replied with a chuckle as he takes the tobacco.

CDR Clarkson: "Ah, last breath of fresh air for the next 3 months, I'm gonna miss it." The CO said as his XO lights his tobacco.

XO Richards: "Yeah I guess your right skipper. Can't believe in three month's they'll decommission this boat, I guess all good things must come to an end." He said with a tone of sorrow.

CDR Clarkson: "Yeah, your right about that part exec, been serving on this boat for 2 years now and I can't believe the navy's letting her go." He replied with the same sentiment.

XO Richards: "Well if that's the case, let's make this an honorable final patrol for the black cat." He said with a glint of enthusiasm. 

As the two men were chatting at the fate of their boat and other things in the navy to talk about, just behind them is a young woman wearing the service khaki's with the submariners badge and a rank of petty officer, on her head covering her bright blonde hair is a dark blue baseball style cap with the inscription of the submarine's name and hull number, her face is only plastered with a small smile knowing this would be the last months she would be with her boys (crew), who she is the very personification of the 292 foot long submarine, but the men can't see or even interact with her.  As the conversation died down and as the two men tried to enjoy the view of the sun setting the CO spoke out again.

CDR Clarkson: "Let me give you some tiny bit of advice, if you want your own boat someday. The very worst thing you can do is to worry about yourself or try to impress me or those pencil pushers back in Norfolk or the Pentagon, I can't stand save asses and I surely don't wanna buy kiss asses, you keep your priorities strait and true and your mission and men." He said as he gives his advice.

XO Richards: "Thank you sir." Richards reply as he puffs some of his cigar.

CDR Clarkson: "How do you like that cigar?" The old man asked.

XO Richards: "It's good sir." He replied as he gives off some small nods.

CDR Clarkson: "It's your first?" He asked.

XO Richards: "Yeah." Richards replied as he coughs and his CO gave off a small chuckle.

CDR Clarkson: "Don't like it too much, cause I bet you they're more expensive than drugs, XO take her down." The commanding officer said.

XO Richards: "Take her down aye sir." He said as he grabs a wired internal radio to contact the bridge.

XO Richards: "Control bridge sounding." He started.

Radio: "Bridge control sounding 128 Fm." The person on the other end replied.

XO Richards: "Lookouts, clear the bridge." The XO ordered.

Lookouts: "Clear the bridge, aye sir!" The lookout replied.

XO Richards: "Officer of the Deck, prepare to dive." The XO instructed.

OOD: "Aye sir, prepare for dive." The OOD replied, as the CO climb down into the submarine.

CDR Clarkson: "Captain down." The CO stated.

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