Chapter 1

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This story takes place in a small town in Maine.
The town is called Derry, and the year is 1965.

A small boy with brown hair, straight as a board woke up one peaceful Monday morning to a loud beeping.

Groaning could be heard as he realized that beeping was his clock radio. The alarm was set for 6:00 am to let him know he had school that morning.

Knowing he would have to get up sooner or later, the small boy threw his blankets off of himself, letting the cold air hit him before getting out of bed.

The boy stood at 5'5, he had brown eyes that were only slightly darker than his hair.

This boy could be identified as Eddie Kaspbrak.
Yawning, he grabbed some clothes from his dresser and made his way to the bathroom.
As he got there, he set the clothes on the counter top, putting each piece on individually. When he got done changing, he looked in the mirror.

There, he wore a light blue sweater and khaki pants. He also wore some black and white converse, the laces tied into perfect bows.

Sighing, the boy made his way downstairs. He sat down at the kitchen table, his mother sitting across from him, reading the newspaper. She glanced up at him, a small smile on her face.

"Good morning dear" she started, "Ready for your first day at Derry High?" she asked the latter.

"Yes mom.." he replied

The boys voice was soft and quite, not what you would expect from a 17 year old boy. The boys mom, Sonia, smiled again. She then spoke up, not looking away from the newspaper.

"You should get going, wouldn't want to be late on your first day now would you?" she asked

"Ah.. your right" he replied

The two said bye to each other as the smaller grabbed his school bag. It was a brown leather satchel bag, a few scratches here and there from previous school years.

The boy exited the house, heading towards the high school in a steady but fast pace. It was about a 5 minute walk from his house to the school, so it didn't take long before the small boy was stepping foot on the unfamiliar campus.

Classes were aimed to start in about 5 minutes, so the boy quickly walked to the small building labeled "Office". As he walked into the building, he saw a woman at the very front. She was tall and slim with long blonde hair and gray eyes. She wore a long, floral patterned dress and slip on shoes.

"Umm.. excuse me.. miss?" the boy pipped up, being right infront of the front desk now.

The lady looked up from where she was sorting papers on her desk and smiled warmly at the boy.

"Can I help you with something sweetheart?" she asked calmly

The boy stuttered a bit before answering her.

"Um yes actually.. I'm Edward Kaspbrak, a new student here and I was wondering if I could have my schedule.."

The lady smiled at him, "Of course sweetheart, let me get it for you real quick." She replied, already looking through her files for the schedule.

While the receptionist was looking for Eddie's schedule, the office door could be heard opening and closing again, signifying someone else had just come in. Eddie glanced in the direction of the door, seeing a girl around his age walking up to the desk.
The girl had shoulder length black, curly hair, contrasting perfectly with her bright blue eyes.

She wore a strapless, knee length blue dress, decorated in white polka dots and paired with white, 2 inch pumps. She didn't have much makeup on, only a little mascara and lipgloss.

The girl walked up to the desk, her slight smile never leaving her face.

"Good morning Samantha!" She boomed, looking at the lady behind the desk.

The lady simply glared at her, before grabbing a piece of paper and handing it over to Eddie, who recognized it as his schedule.

"Mrs Tozier.. late again?"

"You know it.. heh" the girl responded

The lady sighed before speaking again.

"And your brother?" The lady asked calmly

"Oh, Richie? He got here, like, 20 minutes ago, can't risk another tardy" the girl responded, laughing at the last part.

The woman simply nodded her head before grabbing a small slip of paper and scribbling something on it, before handing it to the black haired girl.

The girl smiled, but before she could leave, the blonde stopped her.

"Ms. Tozier, can you please guide Mr. Kaspbrak here to his first class? It should be on the way to yours."

The girl quirked an eyebrow, looking away from the blonde to see the brunette boy. After observing him for a moment, the ravenette smiled, nodding her head.

"Well then, come on Shortie" the girl said, now fully looking at the boy, before walking out of the small building.

Eddie stood in shock for a minute, before slowly making his way out of the building and catching up with the other teen.

Looking at the girl, Eddie managed to muster up the courage to say one word, and one word only. 

"Shortie?" The boy asked, quirking an eyebrow in confusion

The other just looked at him for a moment before laughing.

"Well, your no giant sweetie" the girl replied, a small hint of amusement lingering in her voice.

The boy sighed before giggling slightly, looking at the other

"Well, you got that right, I guess" he replied before stopping and holding out his hand to the girl.

"Eddie.." he said looking at the girl who was looking at his out stretched hand. She smiled at him before replying.

"Rose.. Rose Tozier!" She replied, shaking the younger's hand.

The both smiled at each other.

Then the girl turned to looked beside her and pointed to a closed door.

"There is your first period class! Science right?"

The boy nodded.

"Well, I have socials this period. So why don't you come to my groups table during lunch?" she asked the brunette, who just smiled and nodded.

The girl returned the smiled

"Great! You will find us at the table in the very middle of the courtyard, okay?"

The boy nodded again, gripping his schedule tighter.

"Yay! Okay then, see you there Eddie!"

And with that, the small girl turned on her heel and walked away, leaving the Kaspbrak boy alone in the hall.

Eddie took a deep breath, walking to the door of the science classroom.

He put his hand on the knob and before he turned it, he thought to himself..

' I wonder what this new school will be like '

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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