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Chapter Thirty Eight 

*Rap Monster's POV*

Everything has been prepared, and now we're on our way to LA. A few weeks ago, I told the guys about my idea, and now, I really hope it's going to be pulled off. I was sat between Lizzie with Manse on her knee, and V at the other side of me. The only thing I found hard was getting her brother to also go along. 


"Yo man what's up," Matty picked up the phone. "Is Lizzie alright? How is Manse?" He reeled the questions off. 

"Manse's is great, and Lizzie is great too." I answered. My heart was pounding. Yeah, he's younger than me, but he's her brother. He's all she has left of family. Of course he's going to be protective. This was going to be hard. 

"Ah, that's good. Tell her she needs to answer her phone," he laughed. "So, what's up?" 

Phew. Here goes. 

"I need to ask you something..."

"Everything's alright between you two right? You haven't hurt her have you," his voice became dark. Now I'm really scared. 

"Everything is great between us," I tried to sound confident, but I don't think it came across that way. 

"I still can't get to grips with my baby sister dating someone famous. But you're a good buy, so I guess it's fine. So, what do you need to ask me?"

"I uh..." I stumbled on my words. "I wanted to get your permission first."

"Permission for what?"

"Well, you're the closest thing she has to a dad, so I guess it's up to you. I uh..."

"Spit it out man," he laughed. 

"I want to ask you for your blessing for me to propse to her." I finally said it. I hadn't said it put loud like that before.

"Wow, you're really that serious? I mean, you haven't been dating that long..." I don't think he's going to let me do it. 

"I know it hasn't been long, but I don't think I'll ever find someone I love as much as her, or someone like she is. She's... Lizzie..." I smiled at her face in my mind. 

"Well... alright. I guess if I said no and she found out she would hang me from a tree upside down and leave me. But," his laugh stopped. "Hurt her, and I don't care how famous you are." 

"I know, I understand. I totally understand. I'll never hurt her." 

"Alright. Well, later man." 

"Later," he hung up. That went better that I expected.

*** *** ***

"Jimin, you got no jams," she told him as he pouted and turned back around. 

"I've tought you so well," I faked brushing a tear away. 

"Can you just hold him a minute? I really need to pee," she asked, while Manse was chewing on his jacket. 

"Sure, come here kiddo," I grabbed him as he gurgled baby words. 

*12 and a half hours later*

"We're here!" Jungkook jumped around, while Minzy Noona pushed Manse. She insisted, she wanted Lizzie to rest. 

"I've just been sat down for 12 hours, I don't need rest!" She whined and protested, which made me smile. 

"There's no arguing, you need time... alone," Minzy Noona smirked towards me, as her face began turning red. 

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