The Serpent of Doom

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A battle broke out in the middle of down town Manhattan between Thor and a lion man with a powerful axe that rivals that of Mjolnir and they are neck and neck until Thor spoke

Thor: Ulik, you are not welcome here! Where did a troll like you get such a weapon of Asgard?

Ulik: I think you have more pressing concerns, Odinson!

Ulik blasts Thor with an energy beam before slamming the axe onto the ground making a giant crack in front of Thor.

Thor: What damage have you done?!

Ulik: You will soon find out.

Ulik was about to slam the axe again but it was soon stoped be what looks like a black web stops the axe from hitting the ground. Ulik and Thor look to see deku floating in the air using black whip.

Deku: I don't think I want to know what happens when that axe hits the ground again.

And with Dekus help Ulik is defeated, but not with out Thor deflecting Ulik's axe out mile away, lost in the island. After defeating Ulik, Thor explains your deku about a prophecy that would lead to his death. They get back to the tower to find it. But when it's revealed to be at the latverian embassy Thor gats mad and they head they're way there.

Tony: time to call the play. I've got everyone's task assigned.

Hawkeye: please tell me it's me detonating an explosive arrow right under Doom's thrown?

Thor: there is no time to waste, archer. We must retrieve this weapon before more damage is done!

Hulk: I'm already bored here.

Tony: don't drag your knuckles yet hulk. We can't just bust in.

Cap: Iron Man is right. Any moves on the Latverian Embassy has to be handled with a sizable degree of delicacy.

Tony: Falcon, Hawkeye, you're our recon team. Above and below. We need to get as much doors on the ground intel as possible-

But the ship started to shake and they see a hole on the the ship an Hulk and Thor are gone.

Falcon: they flew the coop.

Deku: Pinkie, Earphone Jack, hang on to me!

Girls: okay

Iron Man, and Falcon fly down while Cap and Hawkeye use jet bikes and Deku, uravity, and Inko now called Emerald Mind float down with their quirks.

Tony: what are the odds Doom's on vacation?

Emerald Mind: are we ever that lucky?

Tony: nope

The avengers make quick work of the doom bots and dogs until Dr. Doom shows up holding the axe.

Doom: you dare trespass on Latverian soil?!

Cap: is that it?

Thor: yes. It's one of the two weapons that rivals that of Mjolnir. But the other is lost to time that not even Odin can find it. So you do possess the axe, how dare you hold a weapon of Asgard!

Doom: you want it back?! Come and take it!!!

But before anyone can do anything, Doom hot the axe onto the ground making an earthquake and a big bottomless crack on the ground leading to downtown Manhattan.

Thor: you dare not tamper with a legend older than human history!!!

Doom: too late!!! That which you fear the most is on its way!

With that the ground started to shake again. But the most shacking thing that came out of the ground was a giant terrifying looking snake with arms.

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