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"Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, please come to the principal's office at present. I repeat, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, please come to the principal's office at present."

The intercome spoke out.


3rd Person's POV

"You're lucky, baby." Jimin whimpered when Taehyung slipped his fingers out. They both quickly cleaned themselves with some tissues and fixed their clothes. The court was full of different students now, so it was easier for them to fit in the crowd without anyone noticing.

Both were laughing and giggling as they made their way to the head office, like they had no care of the rest of the world

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Both were laughing and giggling as they made their way to the head office, like they had no care of the rest of the world. This was their college life.

Studying, Breaking rules, fucking in different places just for fun, disobeying their elders, basically the happy couple everyone wishes to be at their age. They were a perfect match for one another. 

They weren't exactly famous but almost everyone knew about them here. The happiest couple in the Yonsei High.

As they were walking down the long hallways, Jimin bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm so sor-"

He paused and whispered something. Then shouted, "Yeonjun!!"

The said man turned around and gave a bright smile on seeing his former friend

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The said man turned around and gave a bright smile on seeing his former friend. "Jiminie!"

Jimin ran to him and wrapped his arms around Yeonjun's waist. The young man was so happy to see him after so long. They were best friends once but because of some reason Yeonjun disappeared without informing Jimin.

Jimin was very sad, and cried a lot but gradually got over it. He knew Yeonjun didn't do it on purpose. 'He will come back,' he always thought. And now, here he was.

Jimin shook him like crazy, "Where have you been?! Where did you go? I don't understand-"

"Jimin, I'm so.. so sorry." Yeonjun bowed. Some people eyed them, others whispered lowly. Jimin gasped and made him stand. "Hey, it's no problem but don't bow. I feel weird." He pouted. 

Yeonjun chuckled. "You're still a cutie," He said, pinching his cheeks.

"Ahem." Taehyung, all this time had been watching curiously. But now, he guessed, it was enough of waiting. Jimin blushed when Taehyung cleared his throat. He went back beside Tae to introduce him. "Yeonie, this is Kim Taehyung. My-" 

"Boyfriend." Taehyung interrupted Jimin.

Yeonjun's eyes widened then frowned. He somewhat glared at Taehyung, then pulled Jimin aside and whispered, "Jimin, aren't you engaged?"

Jimin blinked in confusion. "How did you know that?" Yeonjun thought for a second before answering. "Heard it from Sooha."

"What? How do you know-" "It doesn't matter. Aren't you engaged? Why are you cheating?" Yeonjun asked in a stern voice. Suddenly, Jimin was feeling eerily uncomfortable just standing next to him.

Taehyung pushed Yeonjun and stood in front of him. "That whore cheated on Jimin first and still is. Alright? Now, if you're done, you can be on your way."

When the couple was about to go, Yeonjun decided to speak. "Jimin, you know this isn't right. Stop this nonsense."

Ok, Taehyung has had more than enough. He was going to knock some sense into to this gu-

"It's none of your buisness."

Both, Yeonjun and Taehyung looked at Jimin, clearly not expecting him to speak so boldly.

Jimin stood his ground and continued. "You can't just disappear one day then barge into my life and tell me what to do. I can do whatever I want. Did you know how I felt when you left me alone? I was only 12!"

"Jimin, I-"

Jimin raised his hand to stop Yeonjun. "No, I'm not done. I looked everywhere for you. I asked my parents but they said they never knew anyone named Choi Yeonjun. I thought my parents were joking so I literally begged them to tell me where you were but do you know what they did? They almost sent me to a mental hospital! They thought I was going crazy!"

Jimin was almost on the verge of crying as he shouted at the latter. He had never felt so bad when his own parents weren't believing him and thinking that he was insane. His mother always told him that it was because of stress and anxiety and his father looked at him with pity, thinking that his son had no real friends which made him feel lonely.

Both of them thought this 'Yeonjun' was Jimin's imaginary friend. At night when Jimin pretended to be asleep, he could hear his mother crying.

But he was not. Jimin wasn't crazy. When Yeonjun used to come to their house to play with a 6 year old Jimin, his parents would welcome him with open arms. They would serve him tea, talk to him happily and even let him stay for some nights.

Jimin was so broken and confused when Yeonjun left. He'd never had a friend back then which did make him question himself. Nothing made sense to him. Even his parents didn't. So eventually, he stopped trying. He knew Yeonjun would come back some day and explain everything to him, so he pretended to forget about it and moved on.

Taehyung slowly approached his lover and hugged him from behind. His deep voice soothed Jimin as he spoke. "Come on Minie, let's go. We can talk to him later." He whispered softly so the others couldn't hear. Jimin didn't know it but they were attracting too much attention from other students.

Jimin relaxed, feeling a little calmer. He looked back at Taehyung and smiled. "Ok.." He whispered back.

Jimin glanced at Yeonjun as he contemplated what to say next. Yeonjun was still his friend whom he respected and loved. He couldn't get angry at him without listening to him first.

"We'll talk about this later. If you still consider me as a friend then I'd be happy to hear whatever you have to say."

Jimin removed a piece of paper from his bag and scribbled something on it. He handed it to Yeonjun after finishing. "This is my current address. You can stop by after 6. I'll be waiting." 

Looking at the determined Jimin in front of him, Yeonjun couldn't deny his request because he knew he owed Jimin an explanation,

He smiled at Jimin and nodded. They bid their goodbyes to each other and went along their way.

Taehyung, on the other hand, was very uncertain about Yeonjun. He looked back ones, at Yeaonjun as he walked through the small crowd of students, smiling and greeting the ones he knew.

 Something definitely seemed off..


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