Everyone has tragic backstory

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Not part of the story but everything will make more sense

Y/n pov

Everyone has a tragic backstory and here's mine

My mom died when I was 13, it hurt yes because she was my best friend and always protected me from my father. He's a piece of shit

He abused my mom and me but she tried everything she could to stop him from getting to me but one day she finally had enough

She totally fucked my life up by ending hers

Sick isn't it

Yea but of course their was a angel who helped me through all of it


My best friend since 3rd grade

God she was wonderful, helping me hide all my bruises with the little makeup kit her mom bought her

And about 6th grade I met Deena, Kate, and Simon

Sam got other friends two of course but we always found time just me and her

Around freshman year Sam got introduce to them and she introduced me to someone too

His name was Ryder and we hit it off really well and started going out.
It's not hard too say we were in love.. well I was in love

He cheated about 8 months into the relationship and it completely shattered my heart

Yea I'm not getting in anymore relationships for awhile

Sam was there for me when that happened too


"I'm so sorry this happened he really seemed like a good guy" Sam said rubbing my back as I cried into a pillow

"God I'm never getting close with anyone ever again they all just leave" I sobbed

"I won't" she said as I looked up from a pillow

"You won't" I ask sniffing

"Nope and I'll prove it" she said standing up

What is she doing I thought as she started searching through her vanity drawers.

She came back over with a few things in her hand and put them on the bed

"Here" she said cutting her hand and putting the blood in a little bottle

"Your blood?" I ask looking shocked

"Yeah blood oath" she responds smiley. "I will never leave you y/n" she says grabbing my hand

"My turn?" I ask looking up

∆end of flashback∆

Guess what, she did

She cut me off and when we did talk she wasn't herself

Now for Kate and Deena

I love them both so much

Kate can be a bitch sometimes but out of then both I'm closest with Deena

I was her first kiss actually


"YOU LIKE SAM!?" I say kinda louder than expected

"SHHH! My brother is home" she said putting hand on my mouth as a response I lick it

"Gross!" She yells wiping her hand on her shirt

"God I can't believe you like Sam" I say falling back on to her bed

"She probably won't like me back, I'm so unexperienced I've never even had my first kiss" she says looking down at her hands

"That sucks" I say sitting up

"Wait- I have an idea!" She said grabbing my hands "kiss me!"

"What" I say in disbelief "why?" I ask

"So that way I have at least some experience" she said "please y/n-"

She gets cut off by me smashing my lips into hers. I quickly pull away and look at her

She was breathing super fast but slams her lips back on to mine

Our lips move together for a while and I start giggling against her lips making her pull away

"What?" She ask breathing heavily

"Nothing, your just a really good kisser" I say smiling at her

"You think I'll be ready for Sam?" She ask

"Definitely" I say as, as she leans in again and kisses me

∆end of flashback∆

Call it weird if you want but after that it never happened between me and her again me and Deena have always and just been friends

Simon on the other hand..
Is completely different

Yes me and Simon have slept together, more than once, yes we make out
And he wants to go out with me but after what happened with Ryder and how much I trusted him I just can't bring myself to do it

So he told me that until I was ready he would only be just friends with me

And we are sticking to it and he is really respectful of that

But I'm starting to give in and I think I want to be with him but I'll wait until this is all over to tell him because he doesn't need more on his plate right now

And Kate

How many times she made me join a club to help my college application

It was so use really my life isn't gonna go anywhere and I'm not going to college. As soon as I get out of highschool I'm done

But I still went because it made her happy

Anyway that my backstory, dad's abusive, mom killed herself, best friend left me, got my heart broken, and in love with someone I'm too afraid to be with. Perfect right?

This is her back story

Hope you enjoyed this because it was kinda fun writing

But we got 2.15k reads!!
Thank you all so much and don't forget to not be ghost readers, comment and vote!

I might not have another part out for a while because tomorrow I'm getting on a plane and going to the one and only California and I don't know if I will have enough time to update

But part 2 of Fear Street comes out in 3 day!!!

Word count : 946
Happy scary summer!
Until next time

Fear Street 1994 •Simon X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now