Chapter 5

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Taylor's pov

"Ok class who remembers what we went over last friday?" My history teacher Mr. Perry asks.
I shuffle around my notes and find the paper we where working on before.
A few kids hands go up.
Mr. Perry calls on them and they get in to conversation.
I Jot down notes when I hear some thing important but I'm not really listening.
I'm a senior. I have all my college credits from sophomore and junior year. B's are ok with me this year.

I'm in the middle of the class and pretty much can see everyone except the people behind me , Which there aren't many. Just some kids who are "goth". They all hang out together, wear all black and have some piercings.
They are pretty shy. I know this we'll because I'm somewhat friends with them. One day I just said hi and they said hey. i know all their names and what there like.
I'm not saying I'm best friends with them but I talk to them.
They aren't mean, rude or listen to just heavy metal. No they're just normal people who are a little different thats all.

Then there's the people in front of me, front row. The "nerds" or "geeks".
They are the people who want a good career and don't play sports.
They don't wear, dress or look any different then other people. They aren't your typical movie nerds who talk funny and wear bow ties and suspenders. They can be musicians or really good at mechanics. They not weird. Nope they look and act like every one else just smarter. They don't put their faith in having a sports career, but they know exactly what they want to be or one the verge. Normal people.

Then the people who sit behind them.
The "jocks". They are the people who play sports and are really good. The people who have toned body's and are the little kids look up to. Every one knows their last names because it's on the back of their jerseys and their t-shirts. They are stupid or dumb. Some get bad grades some get great grades.
They aren't all the same. Some might pick on the "goths" or the "nerds" but some might be friends and hang out with them.

Then there's the kids in the middle. Like me.
Having friends in all categories but no best friends. People being nice to them but still not knowing much about them.
See i have a of friends. I don't have best friends. I don't have someone to get ready with before a big football game, I don't have some one to fix my makeup in the bathroom, I don't have some one to sit by me every day at lunch. I'm just a middle kid.

What I'm trying to get at is that school isn't what it's like in the movies.
Not all jocks are dumb
Not all nerds are lame
Not all goths are dark
But all middle kids don't have a group.

Yes there are popular girls and guys. but some are mean and some are nice.

My thoughts are interrupted by the bell. Now it's launch time.

I stand up like every one else and walk out of the room.
I girl name Sarah says she likes my All time low t-shirt. I smile and say thank you.
When I finally get to my locker I but my books In and grab my phone and lunch my mom packed.
I shut the door some ones standing behind it scaring the shit out of me.
"God Sammy you scared me." I say laughing.
"Oh sorry haha, I was just wondering if you wanted to walk to launch with me." He asks. I feel goosebumps run up my arms.
"Yeah...yeah sure." I say and we walk down the hall.

"So how's your senior year going so far?" He asks smiling. He has a really cute smile and those blue eyes are adorable, with his Black hair. Man.
"Slow but good. how about yours?" I ask.
"Good, Im glade footballs starting." Sammy tells me.
"I bet." I say.
"Are you coming to are game Friday? We're facing are rivals, Penbrook." he asks.
"I wasn't planing to but it sounds fun. I will be there." I say now excited.
"Ok I will see you there. Maybe you could wear my Jersey."Sammy says looking at me.
"Hey Sam. Dude come here!" One of sammys friends yells from the lunch doorway.
"Hey I'm sorry I go to go." he tells me.
"No it's ok" I say.
"Ok well I hope to talk to you later." he says walking backwards.
"K" I tell him waving.

When he finally gets caught up with his friend I go into the bathroom.
No ones in there so I lean against the sink to think.

I can't believe Sam asked me to come. I have had a crush on him but does he actually like me?
Wait! What about ashton. I like him. A lot. Buts it's not like I will ever see him again.
Urge I'm just getting my hopes up about this. I bet Sammy was being nice and invited me as a friend. oh well, I'm going to have fun.
I haven't in a while.

I Lean off the sink and look in the mirror.
My hair is just in a crappy done fishtail, light brown hairs sticking out and my makeup is barely helping my face even look good.
God. I just really fucking hate myself.
Why do people even talk to me.
I beg every one just feels bad or they do it so they can feel good about their selfs.
Well I guess I will just have to live with it.
I throw my launch in the garbage because I don't need it and walk out of the bathroom in to the launch room.
I sit at a table with a few kids In my class and they smile at me before going back to their conversation.
I take out my phone and go on Instagram. Scrolling through pics and liking them.
Finally after 25 minutes the launch bell rings and every one gets up,
I stand up with everyone else and go to my fifth period class. I hope this day goes by fast.

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